Quote by Durtie:
Well don't take it out of context there bud. I'm basing it on the last playdate. We had a HUGE influx of new members and members new to posting. Many people freaked out at the number of MW2 threads that appears for the next couple months.
Admittedly I ignored them but there were days where a couple dozen threads about MW2 popped up. I'm just saying if we pick the newest hottest game we're going to have a s--t ton of people checking us out (like when we did the MW2 playdate). There aren't THAT many mods on the site, and none of us do this as a full time job. I'm more worried about the current members getting frustrated with the new ones coming in and, well frankly, not knowing how to check a forum for threads and blowing us up with new stuff. It will only cause a problem for the mods if current members get over excited about the noobs inability to post.
Again, I'm just speaking for myself as a staff member, my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other staff