Archived: Chuck Norris Jokes
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Chuck Norris Jokes
04/14/11 10:46 pm | #1
Chuck Norris once drank red bull and the can grew wings.
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/14/11 10:59 pm | #2
chuck norris jokes are lame I told them when I was 8
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/14/11 11:02 pm | #3
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/14/11 11:12 pm | #4
Chuck Norris once punched this Ninja named Sigma...he was never heard of again
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/14/11 11:17 pm | #6
Hahaha pretty obvious SOMEONE didn't even attempt to use the search bar...
Re: Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/15/11 2:25 am | #9
Quote by Lou:
How many threads do you make a day?
A shit ton of them.
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/15/11 12:44 pm | #10
I can't remember what I put in the other one.
Chuck Norris clogs the toilet when he pisses.
Chuck Norris clogs the toilet when he pisses.
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/15/11 12:54 pm | #11
God walks on water chuck norris walks on god.
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/15/11 3:50 pm | #13
Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience.
Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
04/15/11 4:35 pm | #14
The original name of the bible was Chuck Norris and friends.
Chuck Norris wears tank tops that are actually tanks.
Chuck Norris wears tank tops that are actually tanks.