Archived: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
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Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/21/10 3:31 pm | #1
Making this now so I can claim it.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/21/10 3:34 pm | #2
haha.....I can't wait for it to come out...Kind of irks me how there are already people playing it, oh well
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/21/10 3:59 pm | #3
Hopefully reserving Hardened Tommorow, want those zombie maps

Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/21/10 4:01 pm | #4
Need to be Sticky.
Re: Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/21/10 4:06 pm | #5
Quote by iKidd:
haha.....I can't wait for it to come out...Kind of irks me how there are already people playing it, oh well
Already? Its the middle of October, how the hell they getting it so early? But idk if im getting it this year, just starting to get sick of CoD all together.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/21/10 4:26 pm | #6
Treyarch is developing it, so There is a good chance I'll like it since I loved WAW. Oh, and it gets leaked on the internet somehow, people just burn it and play it, or they got an early copy in a place they work at.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 2:29 pm | #7
Damn it Rapture, I wanted this claim.
Also you made less than 24 hours before me! GAH
Also you made less than 24 hours before me! GAH
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 4:33 pm | #8
How many days left ???
Re: Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 5:03 pm | #9
Quote by EliteR80:
How many days left ???
2 weeks from this upcoming Tuesday
Re: Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 5:27 pm | #10
Quote by DJ Manners:
Also you made less than 24 hours before me! GAH
Today is the 23rd, he made it 2 days before you.
OnTopic: Still undecided on this, not really excited about either the singleplayer or mp, and I just got Fallout, so who knows.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 5:32 pm | #11
I'm not really all that excited about this one. It looks just like all the other Call of Duty games, nothing that really excites me all that much.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 9:57 pm | #12
17 days until Cod Black ops comes out.

Re: Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 10:24 pm | #13
Quote by Daniel:
Hopefully reserving Hardened Tommorow, want those zombie maps 

They aren't confirmed zombie maps... It says co-op maps... There is a new co-op mode in this game other than zombies. I dunno which it'll be.
Re: Re: Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/23/10 11:37 pm | #14
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Quote by Daniel:
Hopefully reserving Hardened Tommorow, want those zombie maps 

They aren't confirmed zombie maps... It says co-op maps... There is a new co-op mode in this game other than zombies. I dunno which it'll be.
It is confirmed, check out the expanded information section from the Gamestop website.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Thread.
10/24/10 12:35 am | #15
Figured I would BUMP this thread so people that don't know how to use the search bar won't make duplicated threads.
This is the first COD game that I have been this excited about coming out. I mean sure MW 1 and 2 were cool and I enjoyed the hell out of them, but they weren't "go run out and buy" games....this one, i believe to be different for me
This is the first COD game that I have been this excited about coming out. I mean sure MW 1 and 2 were cool and I enjoyed the hell out of them, but they weren't "go run out and buy" games....this one, i believe to be different for me