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Archived: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
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Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/06/10 12:44 pm | #121
Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/06/10 1:32 pm | #122
Quote by SigmaOmega3:
I was play this morning and there few people who still plays COD3.
Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 6:49 pm | #123
I added on the list in the home page
Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 8:40 pm | #124
I just got Doc and Lieutenant achievement today without boost. I still need Victory Medal, War Hero, and Supply Office.
Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 8:43 pm | #125
if you show up you'll get those easily, impulse.
did you find your mic, by the way?
Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 8:45 pm | #126
Quote by Noah 9000:
if you show up you'll get those easily, impulse. did you find your mic, by the way?
I think AJ stole it from me.
Re: Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 8:51 pm | #127
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Quote by Noah 9000:
if you show up you'll get those easily, impulse. did you find your mic, by the way?

I think AJ stole it from me.

lol... well buddy, i'll let you know right now that you'll need one. boosting cod3 isn't really possible if you don't have a mic...
Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 8:54 pm | #128
I'm go buy new mic soon. Question How much points do you guy get in one match?
Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 8:56 pm | #129
it depends.
there are still a TON of legit players.
if we can't find our own game, we don't get much.
on a GOOD night, you'll get 750-1200 points per match.
Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 9:00 pm | #130
Quote by Noah 9000:
it depends.
there are still a TON of legit players.
if we can't find our own game, we don't get much.
on a GOOD night, you'll get 750-1200 points per match.
Are u serious about 750-1200 points per match? I only can get up to 30 points per match.
Re: Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 9:02 pm | #131
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Quote by Noah 9000:
it depends.
there are still a TON of legit players.
if we can't find our own game, we don't get much.
on a GOOD night, you'll get 750-1200 points per match.
Are u serious about 750-1200 points per match? I only can get up to 30 points per match.
yeah, i'm serious.
1200 is pushing it, but if we get a lobby with 8 boosters 1K isn't hard to get.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/07/10 9:33 pm | #132
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Are u serious about 750-1200 points per match? I only can get up to 30 points per match.
yeah, i'm serious.
1200 is pushing it, but if we get a lobby with 8 boosters 1K isn't hard to get.
Especially with that Evil guy throwing the flag
Re: Call of Duty 3 Boosters Needed
06/27/10 9:09 pm | #133
Ok guys. We haven't had a boost in 2 weeks, with Gears doing the 6x, and then just not having the people last week.
This week I will have events up for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 230 pm Central until about 7 pm Central.
FAIR WARNING: I will be going to Missouri on one of these days to buy fireworks, not sure which day yet.
EDIT: Friday's event has been changed to Gears 2 for the 8x EXP that's going on over the holiday.
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