Archived: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
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Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 1:58 pm | #17
Nice Review.
Though i dont think I saw anything in there about the banking system they added, which for anyone who plays quite a bit of boarderlands (I refrained from saying "Hardcore player") is almost a necessity. Up to 42 more storage spots for all those cool but useless guns is very nice. Unfortunately the only way I know of to access the bank is in the DLC - meaning if you have someone in your game that hasn't bought the DLC you can go and pick up your weapons
Though i dont think I saw anything in there about the banking system they added, which for anyone who plays quite a bit of boarderlands (I refrained from saying "Hardcore player") is almost a necessity. Up to 42 more storage spots for all those cool but useless guns is very nice. Unfortunately the only way I know of to access the bank is in the DLC - meaning if you have someone in your game that hasn't bought the DLC you can go and pick up your weapons
Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 4:35 pm | #19
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by AJ:
I have read that if you just sign in another account around level 12 or so to host than your 50 can run through it pretty easily.
I have Evol signed in as a level 2 and hosting, and I'm using my lvl 48 to kill shit. It isn't hard but it's still long, and it still is shitty for this to be all there is to the dlc. I've never found a need for a bank- I'd like it if you could put $ in it, so you don't lose it when you die- but who keeps weapons they don't use???? Kinda pointless.
Yea, I really don't want to get this, but if I do I'll make you help hahaha.
Also, as for the weapons, I think I only have about 4-5... Couple shotguns, rocket launchers, and a machine gun is all I need.
Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 4:39 pm | #22
I have ONE in my inventory, does like 390+ something damage with a 3.1x zoom
! I dunno why but I kept it for some reason.

Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 6:58 pm | #26
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
Nice Review.
Though i dont think I saw anything in there about the banking system they added, which for anyone who plays quite a bit of boarderlands (I refrained from saying "Hardcore player") is almost a necessity. Up to 42 more storage spots for all those cool but useless guns is very nice. Unfortunately the only way I know of to access the bank is in the DLC - meaning if you have someone in your game that hasn't bought the DLC you can go and pick up your weapons
Though i dont think I saw anything in there about the banking system they added, which for anyone who plays quite a bit of boarderlands (I refrained from saying "Hardcore player") is almost a necessity. Up to 42 more storage spots for all those cool but useless guns is very nice. Unfortunately the only way I know of to access the bank is in the DLC - meaning if you have someone in your game that hasn't bought the DLC you can go and pick up your weapons
It must have slipped my mind , i mean most players ive i know only use a set of weapons , like me i only have 4 i use so there was really no need for the bank and im sure alot of other players are the same
Humph, Guess my groups odd then were usually over stacked and now with the addition of Modded Guns we've accumulated the bank really helps out,
Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 7:22 pm | #27
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
It must have slipped my mind , i mean most players ive i know only use a set of weapons , like me i only have 4 i use so there was really no need for the bank and im sure alot of other players are the same
i'm the same way.
i have one shotgun, one sniper, one rocket launcher and one assault rifle.
my inventory generally consists of a few health kits. that's it.
and someone mentioned 42 slots right?
you can get up to 45. there's a claptrap on the zombie island.
a bank really isn't necessary late in the game. the feature doesn't hurt though.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 7:59 pm | #28
Quote by Noah 9000:
and someone mentioned 42 slots right?
you can get up to 45. there's a claptrap on the zombie island.
I actually got my 45th slot from the new haven claptrap on my second playthrough. I mostly use my bank for random orange weapons and ive been adding the bosses weapons and quest reward weapons into it aswell such as sledges shotgun and kroms sidearm.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 10:56 pm | #29
Quote by FIFE26:
Quote by Noah 9000:
and someone mentioned 42 slots right?
you can get up to 45. there's a claptrap on the zombie island.
I actually got my 45th slot from the new haven claptrap on my second playthrough. I mostly use my bank for random orange weapons and ive been adding the bosses weapons and quest reward weapons into it aswell such as sledges shotgun and kroms sidearm.
that's interesting.
did you find the claptrap on the zombie island?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome DLC Review
01/03/10 11:43 pm | #30
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by FIFE26:
I actually got my 45th slot from the new haven claptrap on my second playthrough. I mostly use my bank for random orange weapons and ive been adding the bosses weapons and quest reward weapons into it aswell such as sledges shotgun and kroms sidearm.
that's interesting.
did you find the claptrap on the zombie island?
Here are the numbers
Playthrough New Game::::::First::::::Second::::::Zombie Island
Backpack 0:::::::::::::10:::::::::::5:::::::::::::::::2
Storage 0:::::::::::::30::::::::::15::::::::::::::::6
Capacity 12::::::::::::42:::::::::::57::::::::::::::63
As for the bank, Its ok but if you have all the Claptraps you don't REALLY need it