Archived: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
Posted Under: Gaming
Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 4:29 pm | #1
The announcement of Borderlands 2 reminded me of these last 4 achievements I still need to do. Looking for a low level to host and 2 other high levels to actually play. I'm a 60+ don't remember exactly. I'm down tonight or any night after 10 eastern time
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 4:32 pm | #2
Did we really need another thread for this?
Did we really need another thread for this?
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 4:35 pm | #3
I saw the others and still purposely made a new one yes. Otherwise morons open up an old one and aren't sure who is and isn't still looking for help. We can't all be famous Trials HD pros, please forgive my inadequacies

Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 5:08 pm | #4
Quote by AJ:
Did we really need another thread for this?
Did we really need another thread for this?
A few of us were trying to organize an event for this. Perhaps sometime Saturday?
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 5:36 pm | #5
Let's do it. Bovice63 said he can low level host
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 6:23 pm | #6
I want in! I am between level 10 and 20, most likely on the lower end...
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 6:51 pm | #7
I might be up for this, not sure if I will have internet or not by this weekend, as I'm moving on Thursday, but I'm something like 65-67. Let me know though if you need an extra.
Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 6:57 pm | #8
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
I want in! I am between level 10 and 20, most likely on the lower end...
Level 10-20 kinda doesn't work. Too high to host. Too low to be much help. Play it to death all week and get your level up and it might work
Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 6:58 pm | #9
Quote by kroberts11:
I might be up for this, not sure if I will have internet or not by this weekend, as I'm moving on Thursday, but I'm something like 65-67. Let me know though if you need an extra.
Let us know what happens with your net.
Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 6:58 pm | #10
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
I want in! I am between level 10 and 20, most likely on the lower end...
Level 10-20 kinda doesn't work. Too high to host. Too low to be much help. Play it to death all week and get your level up and it might work
Nothing is too high to host if you have a modded shield and weapons.
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 7:05 pm | #11
I got a 69 soldier with a modded shield, and Im up to help if you guys are interested
Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 7:07 pm | #12
Yeah I have modded shield/weapons as well, thanks to some fruitcakes pleveling me way back when!
Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 7:28 pm | #13
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Let's do it. Bovice63 said he can low level host
Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands Underdome Boosting
08/08/11 9:19 pm | #14
Quote by AJ:
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Level 10-20 kinda doesn't work. Too high to host. Too low to be much help. Play it to death all week and get your level up and it might work
Nothing is too high to host if you have a modded shield and weapons.
Which I don't.