Archived: boosting the darkness??
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 6:20 pm | #1
its an old game i know...need homies for boosting this week while im home. shoot me a message if ya wanna...
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 8:30 pm | #2
I need em too, so ya i'm down
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 8:38 pm | #3
I need them but I don't have internet just yet, should be getting it around thursday'ish...let me know when you plan on doing them
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 8:53 pm | #4
I could boost for it as well, make an event for it. What are you boosting for? (achievement wise)
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 9:11 pm | #5
i got that game in the mail so if im on anytime this week i will hit you up.
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 9:16 pm | #6
hit me up i have the game i never played online lol still didnt finish it i also have difff ones also i never got to beat gears 2 on the hardest difficulty so if anyone wanna add me i have lots of old games lol
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/21/09 11:23 pm | #7
sounds good yall...ill shoot f.r. out late tonight or tuesday. surely we can all get together sometime this week. sweeeeet
Re: Re: boosting the darkness??
12/22/09 12:14 am | #9
Quote by Lady Evol:
kidd, THAT'S a game we can play together! Evol and I have it and can boost...
We're also available after xmas... but not next sunday, monday or tuesday nights.
We're also available after xmas... but not next sunday, monday or tuesday nights.
OMG I'll finally have a game that I can play with you, lol.
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/23/09 11:43 am | #11
all ya'll just shoot me f.r. easiest i think :)
Re: boosting the darkness??
12/24/09 5:35 pm | #12
I have the Darkness too, I'm willing to boost if we get enough people.

Re: boosting the darkness??
12/27/09 4:44 pm | #13
no one has shot me any f.r. so far.....last day home for a few weeks. maybe next time i suppose
Re: boosting the darkness??
01/21/10 9:27 am | #15
Im in, Hit me up with an invite.