Archived: boosting the darkness??
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
Re: boosting the darkness??
02/20/10 9:54 pm | #31
Still have this game. Still need to do some MP Cheevo's. To those that didn't like the single player story, I don't think you people would know a great game if it hit you in the face. Darkness is top ten all time, top five 360, number one ending of any game ever. Just my opion, what the hell do I know!!!
Re: boosting the darkness??
02/23/10 9:01 am | #32
im going to create a event once i get home PM me guys to let me know how your scheduals are so i can set this accordingly
Re: boosting the darkness??
02/23/10 9:14 am | #33
I can boost this game anytime! Me and Ab intestato are gonna be in the event we need like 2 more people.