im on windows 7 with firefox if thats anyhelp
Archived: blank home page
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
blank home page
06/13/12 8:40 pm | #1
anyone else getting this
im on windows 7 with firefox if thats anyhelp
im on windows 7 with firefox if thats anyhelp
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 12:32 am | #2
Yeah. I've gotten it a few times. I'm using Windows 7 with Chrome and I get 'em. Usually have to restart my browser to get it to work and sometimes I have to restart my whole computer. Not sure what's the problem.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 12:47 am | #3
Yes. I'm using Vista and running Firefox 13.0.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 2:52 am | #4
I've been getting it on my iPhone, windows phone, kindle, and 2 pcs running ie with win 7.

Re: Re: blank home page
06/14/12 7:42 am | #5
Quote by Meta:
I'm using Vista
I'm so sorry for you, Rev. I'm using Win7, Firefox 13 and getting the same thing. When I try to browse to a forum, like 360 Talk for example, I get an ERROR and a message reading
Out of memory (Needed 1128603 bytes)
I'm sure this all has to do with Jackson needing to migrate the server, but figured the info may help him out.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 8:43 am | #6
Yeah, Vista is a piece of shit OS, but it was already on this laptop and it's not mine.
If it were, I'd install Windows XP sp3. But I'll be building a new computer at some point and will go straight to 7.
If it were, I'd install Windows XP sp3. But I'll be building a new computer at some point and will go straight to 7.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 10:05 am | #7
I'm getting it also. Current version of Firefox on XP. It will let me access the forums if I use my history, but no home page.
And getting this:
Out of memory (Needed 1235643 bytes)
When I tried to access Off Topic.
Tried to access 360 Talk:
Out of memory (Needed 1128603 bytes)
Tried Xbox 360 games
Out of memory (Needed 1620318 bytes)
Ugh, I am way too computer illiterate for this.
And getting this:
Out of memory (Needed 1235643 bytes)
When I tried to access Off Topic.
Tried to access 360 Talk:
Out of memory (Needed 1128603 bytes)
Tried Xbox 360 games
Out of memory (Needed 1620318 bytes)
Ugh, I am way too computer illiterate for this.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 12:32 pm | #8
Win7, Google Chrome and I get this:
And nothing else on the page.
And nothing else on the page.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 1:20 pm | #9
Android 2.2.1 just a blank page yesterday but when accessing on my xp sp3 yesterday I got it.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 1:23 pm | #10
It's because Jackson is switching servers so the site is down overnight usually from around 11pm-7am. So if your on during those times it's gonna do that. You can still look at the forums tho.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 2:12 pm | #11
It's been happening for days, and outside of the 11-7 time bracket... Hopefully it's fixed soon...
Re: Re: blank home page
06/14/12 2:15 pm | #12
Quote by Kat:
It's been happening for days, and outside of the 11-7 time bracket... Hopefully it's fixed soon...
11-7 is the only time i noticed it. But yeah hopefully it is fixed.
Re: blank home page
06/14/12 2:20 pm | #13
This thread was started before 8 pm last night.

Re: blank home page
06/14/12 2:23 pm | #14
I'm keeping get blank page but I was worry about my day login steak.
Re: Re: blank home page
06/14/12 2:39 pm | #15
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
I'm keeping get blank page but I was worry about my day login steak.
If you save as a bookmark, you can click on that to see the site. If you're signed in, it'll show you the threads, if not, you can use the links to log in. Your streak will be ok, as long as the site is up.