Closed: BiohazardMayhem
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/09/10 11:15 pm | #16
Due to popular request, this thread has been reopened for desecration, dessication, castigation, and defecation.
Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/09/10 11:20 pm | #17
Ahahaha, my name's Biohazard, I'm 18, I mod the hell out of everything I play with, including dicks in my mouth, I like to dress em up with cute little bows and finger paint em.
Re: Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/09/10 11:22 pm | #18
Quote by Meta:
Due to popular request, this thread has been reopened for desecration, dessication, castigation, and defecation.
Thank god, I've had to defecate for so long, now I have a place to do it!

Re: Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/09/10 11:24 pm | #20
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I want to 2nd this guy's opinion that AJ needs to get off his ass and do something real with his life. WTF, AJ?!?! 115,000 gamerscore???? God, go to school, get a degree and be a cop or something!!!!
FUCK, check off go to school and get degree... I'm looking for jobs now (kinda).
Re: Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/09/10 11:46 pm | #22
Quote by Durtie:
What a tool. What a modded tool. At least if your gonna gamesave, make your score bigger than 100k. I guess he was going for that natural look.
Durtie how could you forget that he has better things to do other than earn achievements, like skydiving and stuff.
Re: Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/09/10 11:52 pm | #24
Well I would say something about his gay ass here but I already spammed the shit out of him on xbox live

Hahahaha, FTW!
Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/10/10 12:11 am | #26
Wow he looks like a 5 pound mop or a small palm tree or something lmfao...
Re: Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/10/10 12:46 am | #29
Quote by Silentbobsclone:
If anyone really wants to have fun with him, he puts his phone number on his myspace page: http://
Coincidentally.. who still uses Myspace?
Coincidentally.. who still uses Myspace?
HaHaHaHaHaHAHaHa....thats friggin AWESOME!
I'd spam his phone up if it wasn't for the fact that my phone would then start to get that douchey feeling after I did.
It's funny how this guy seems to think he had a leg to stand on in this argument....what a hillbilly
idk...hillbilly was the first word that popped into my head when I was thinking about degrading him.
Re: BiohazardMayhem
10/10/10 12:56 am | #30
what!!!!!!!!!!! dare this emo(not hillbilly) Kid talk about AJ like that all of us here know AJ is a great guy who totally has a life