Archived: best first person shooter ever any console
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best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 11:45 am | #1
I would prolly say golden eye for the N64...becuase thats the game that made me get into first person shooters...and the multiplayer mode was and still is one of the best ever..
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 11:48 am | #2
DOOM or Counter Strike
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 11:53 am | #3
yeah doom was a pretty sick and popular game...counterstrike wasn't that on the regular xbox..
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 11:54 am | #4
golden eye
Re: Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 11:58 am | #5
Quote by ignorant swag:
yeah doom was a pretty sick and popular game...counterstrike wasn't that on the regular xbox..
Counter Strike is a PC game.....
but they did have a HORRIBLE port for the Xbox
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 12:03 pm | #6
perfect dark was my fav for my entire childhood but shooter have gone sooo far since then and now it would have to be CoD4. looks amazing plays amazing. PD was great then but compared to now not so much. altho when it comes out on XBLA it might change my mind. PD with 2 thumbsticks for the first time. WIN
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 12:10 pm | #7
i did enjoy perfect dark that was also original created on the N64 to...N64 is prolly the best system ever made behind xbox 360 of course..
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 12:17 pm | #8
Halo was the one that got me hooked, staying up late late nights with friends for 4 player FFA's.
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 12:27 pm | #9
Halo 2 was great fun on XBL (most of the time), not a very good game though. Just late night split-screens were amazing..
The best ever? COD 4, soon possibly COD 6.
The best ever? COD 4, soon possibly COD 6.

Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 12:30 pm | #10
halo was pretty damn good but for some reason i enjoyed the multiplaer better than the campaign mode which is weird.......
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 12:37 pm | #11
cod4, then cod6 hopefully, when it comes out..
Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 3:04 pm | #13
For a great Campaign I say all of the three Halo games. For multiplayer, I say Call of Duty 4...Never played a game with near as good multiplayer as this one. Hopefully Modern Warfare 2 will be even better though

Re: best first person shooter ever any console
08/16/09 3:17 pm | #14
N64 007 Golden Eye.