Nice review
Ben-Hur: the best chariot racing combat sim of 2016 so far
Are you ready for a gritty, hard-hitting story of love, lust, revenge, and chariot racing combat?
Are you ready... FOR GLORY?
Developed by Krome Studios, published by AOL.
1 player offline.
Rated F for Free.

In this free downloadable game, you play Judah Ben-Hur, a horse-whipping freedom fighter who must avenge the deaths of his family, discover the identity of his real father, locate the Ark of the Covenant, gain amnesia and then recover his memories, become enemies with his brother and later reconcile, leave behind his shadowy past, start a new life in America, and win 3 chariot races in ancient Rome.
It's just a chariot, 4 horses and all your pectoral muscles versus the best chariot racers & combatants in the world. Victory means freedom and whores, failure means death and horse poop. To win, you must either whip your horses to pull you ahead of everyone else, or else whip THEIR horses to death so you win by default.
The entire game is 3 races, each 1 lap longer than the last and all taking place in the same bland hippodrome. The AI enemies are complete bastards that rubber-band and have no problem putting you in to a wall or jostling you just enough that you miss a health pickup.
This is a video of me winning the third and final race of the game, having crushed the other 5 dupes:
This is definitely one of the best XB1 chariot racing combat sim games I have played this year, and at $0.00 it is just the right price. Download it now and brutalize some horses!