Battlefield Bad Company 2 is the sequel to the 2008 hit Battlefield Bad Company in which you reprise your role as Private Preston Marlowe in the B-Company and along with his companions Private Terrence Sweetwater, Private George Gordon Haggard, Jr and last but not least the leader of this squad of misfits Sergeant Samuel D. Redford.
The Story:
The game starts you off in WWII where you have to play as Private Thomas Wyatt infiltrate a Imperial Japanese-controlled island to find a Japanese scientist who was working on a W.M.D of sorts dubbed "Aurora".
Not to spoil anything I will mention how the B-company get involved, they get sent on a mission to recover "Aurora" decades later coming to find out that the device they have is a fake and so they are set out to find the actual "secret weapon"...

The Gameplay:
The game plays a lot like the original Bad Company going with the motto "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and also "Have rocket launcher will destroy building".
Its pretty much simple you kill or you get killed and cover is hard to keep due to their (D.I.C.E) frostbite 2.0 physics engine, and to sum the engine up in a nut shell is you can destroy pretty much anything in the game, a group of enemies hiding in a building no problem either call in a mortar strike or have some fun and blow the place up yourself!!!
Over all very satisfying gameplay quick and easy to pick up and play.

The Controls:
To me and I think everyone can agree you can't have a good game without good controls.
In this game the controls are great and do not feel clunky at all and in my opinion have improved for example I really hated the way they mapped the controls for the vehicles it felt really awkward but as far as I can tell they are great.

The Multiplayer:
The Battlefield series has always shown its true colors in the multiplayer with a excellent set-up nice quick fast-pace action.
In this game you have 4 classes to choose from each with their own strengths and weaknesses
The Assault, Engineer, Recon(not sniper AJ), and Medic
Experience is earned for each class to unlock more weapons to kill you enemies and can be earned in several ways.
Killing/kill assist, repairing/reviving and by completing certain objectives in 1 of the 4 modes they have to offer
The online is great despite in the beginning people losing data and what not but all that has been patched.
You have a squad up the 4 players if you choose to not join a squad good luck surviving.

The Game Modes:
Mode 1:Conquest is essentially capture the flag
Mode 2 & 3: In Rush and Squad Rush its a game of sabotage
Mode 4: Squad Deathmatch is pretty self explanatory first squad to fifty kills wins

The Achievements:
The achievements are by far not a cakewalk but are much easier to obtain than the original Bad Company I give it a 8.5/10 on how difficult they are to obtain but on the bright side you can play the single player on easy and get all but 1 achievement for beating the final level on hard. Also there are collection achievements blah.
Last Thoughts:
Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a great game very funny and well put together its a must buy for any FPS junkie I give it a
9.8 out of 10