Archived: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
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Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 1:27 pm | #1
who's picking it up? I'm not sold on the multiplayer yet but the single player/story of AC is always fantastic IMO.
Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 1:43 pm | #3
Might be getting it for Christmas, but don't really care if I do. I just feel that this game wasn't necessary. I mean other than the MP the story has no appeal to me, I mean how do you take off from the ending from AC2?
Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 2:35 pm | #5
personally, i pre-ordered this months ago and im super excited! i plan on writing the review for this game when i beat it
Re: Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 3:11 pm | #6
Quote by xMike:
Might be getting it for Christmas, but don't really care if I do. I just feel that this game wasn't necessary. I mean other than the MP the story has no appeal to me, I mean how do you take off from the ending from AC2?
this is a continuation of Ezio's storyline, which will easily be able to take off from there. as for the grand scope of the story, i don't see AC 3 having difficulty at all going from there. it's not like it was that complex or anything..
Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 3:12 pm | #7
Amazon release date delivery - it will arrive around 6pm tomorrow night, very pumped

Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 3:54 pm | #9
i purposely havent looked at ANYTHING for this game, not even a trailer, in hopes that by not lookin at stuff for this i wont hype the game too much and itll be good for a good while w/out the hype of it dying off so quickly. hoping for a pretty good game tho
Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 4:33 pm | #10
i've 1k'd both of the first two AC games, which are two 1k's im really proud of. so i can't wait to do the same with this one. no matter how bad the game is (which it won't be, because it will be amazing) i WILL waist countless hours finding all the collectables and such
Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 5:10 pm | #11
8 hours left for the Central Time Zone... YEAH I'm HELLA excited
Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 5:13 pm | #12
I'm getting this for Christmas got too many games want to catch up.
Re: Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 5:47 pm | #13
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
i've 1k'd both of the first two AC games, which are two 1k's im really proud of. so i can't wait to do the same with this one. no matter how bad the game is (which it won't be, because it will be amazing) i WILL waist countless hours finding all the collectables and such
The first one is something to be proud of, II wasn't that bad at all. I didn't even finish the first one, fuck those flags.
Re: Re: Re: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood discussions reactions
11/15/10 5:57 pm | #14
Quote by AJ:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
i've 1k'd both of the first two AC games, which are two 1k's im really proud of. so i can't wait to do the same with this one. no matter how bad the game is (which it won't be, because it will be amazing) i WILL waist countless hours finding all the collectables and such
The first one is something to be proud of, II wasn't that bad at all. I didn't even finish the first one, fuck those flags.
yeah, i was more referring to the first one. now that i think of it the second one was cake. but the first one was hell. i had to go through it 3 times just to get the conversationist chievo. but i kind of went through the templars and flags systematically, so after i printed out the maps (because i didn't have a laptop back then) it wasn't "difficult" just really time consuming and eyeball burning. when i finished it around 1:00 on a sunday night, i screamed and wanted to tell everyone i know... but they were all alseep