Quote by Meta:
Damn that does sound cool. Is the campaign kind of like the last couple AC games where it is difficult at first until you get an op weapon?
Also, I actually missed the last 2 AC games, For Answer and whatever the other one was, I think just 5. Are they worth grabbing on the cheap? ie lots to do in single player? I'm assuming their online is dead since this just came out.
Freaking Gamefly sent me ride to hell instead of this but I shipped it back today so I should get ACVD Tuesday or Wednesday.
AC V is when the series got completely retooled. The controls and game mechanics are completely different now (Much less complicated). For Answer is not worth picking up since it's achievements are impossible. (Seriously...if you see someone who has 100% they cheated). I'd get V since it's a relatively painless 800+ GS...and VD is the second entry in the "New" armored core reboot. I ordered mine from Gamestop so i'm not expecting it till like Friday.