Archived: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/11/10 8:40 pm | #16
Account swapping is against code of conduct however, no one can tell if you do it, so I suppose it's really up to you. As far as a neighbor I mean once again it's up to you. I personally don't think that there is anything wrong with it seeing as the achievements are "legit."
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/11/10 8:44 pm | #17
Like Melissa said, I'm all for it as long as the person isn't bragging about achievements they didn't obtain.
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/11/10 9:04 pm | #19
I have no problem with it at all. Cody sucks at sports games so I beat Madden 08 for him and he beat TMNT for me, so I didn't have to run through that PoS. One time he and I picked a stack of games for each other's tag and played for each other for an entire night. We both got like 2500 for each other in a few hours.
We could've beat all of the games on our own, but it was fun to change it up! It was a fair trade and I don't see who is harmed by it.
We could've beat all of the games on our own, but it was fun to change it up! It was a fair trade and I don't see who is harmed by it.
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/11/10 9:42 pm | #20
I'm not against it on any kind of moral, "it's wrong!" level. To me it's kind of the same thing as boosting.
At the same time, I get angry if someone gets on my tag and gets Achievements. One of my roommates did it on accident with Turtles in Time RS. I didn't even care much at first but later he was like, "Yeah, those Achievements I got for you" and I was like WTF? So I started setting password up and putting my GT on a memory unit and taking it with me when I left.
At the same time, I get angry if someone gets on my tag and gets Achievements. One of my roommates did it on accident with Turtles in Time RS. I didn't even care much at first but later he was like, "Yeah, those Achievements I got for you" and I was like WTF? So I started setting password up and putting my GT on a memory unit and taking it with me when I left.
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/11/10 10:03 pm | #21
I agree with you on a small level Meta.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
Re: Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/11/10 10:37 pm | #22
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I agree with you on a small level Meta.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
Dude that effing SUCKS. I would kill someone if they did that! Especially FF13, I am so sorry dude!
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/12/10 8:40 am | #24
Only really a problem if an account is shared by a bunch of people to get it's gamerscore up by alot.
Re: Re: Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/12/10 5:55 pm | #25
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I agree with you on a small level Meta.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
Dude that effing SUCKS. I would kill someone if they did that! Especially FF13, I am so sorry dude!
My friend thinks I'm a nerd for caring about my completion percentage, so as a prank he decided to get a 5G achievement for me on Fifa 09, a game I don't even own

Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/12/10 6:29 pm | #26
Having someone else getting an achievement for me isn't something I would do, but I wouldnt hold it against anyone who did, its not like they cheated. We all had a older person we knew when we were kids, be it a friend or brother, to beat a hard level, this is basically the same thing.
Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/12/10 6:45 pm | #27
Dont really see a problem with it. I need to get my cousin out here so he can beat GH3 for me, I cant even play on hard, hate these damned music games.
Re: Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/12/10 7:09 pm | #28
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I agree with you on a small level Meta.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
My brother in law was home for spring break and played FF13 on my tag while I was at work. I am so pissed about it, he unlocked 1 achievement for a game I don't own, and looks hellishly hard to 1k.
That kinda irritates me, as I have a bunch of games I want to go back and complete, and this one adds a very ime consuming one to the list.
Next time he's around you should go under account settings and pass lock your profile.
Re: Re: Are you against getting help with your achievements?
04/12/10 7:21 pm | #30
Quote by Tom Auditore de Firenze:
When I saw this post, it made me immediately think about Stallion83 because I remember we talked about him and how his account is most likely multiple people using the account and not just one person. I found some interesting info about that. I don't remember if it was his gamer spotlight or his website but some kid asked him if he had multiple people using his account and he said he was the only one.
So I went browsing through his game list and found some interesting things.
There are 4 different categories I put his achievement into.
There are the IMPOSSIBLE ones. There is no way you could get them in that order.
Then there are the UNSURE ones. They seem out of order but Im unsure.
Then the IFFY ones. Seem in the right order but seem like they would take longer to get etc.
Last there are the LEGIT ones.
I have to say, most of the achievements I saw, I would place into the LEGIT category.I would say at least 90% of them.
Then there were some that were iffy. There is no proof of cheating but they certainly seem like there may be. These could be because of boosting. Which is fine. We have no problem with boosting.
RSV2: sure got rank of elite fast(im not sure how long it takes)
Here are the ones I am unsure of. These could be unlocked out of order but I just dont know. They are:
GRAW: i dont know if you can unlock the ones that say Multiplayer offline, but some were
Tiger woods 07: got 100% completion achievement but i looked and requirements said you need all trophy balls. he got achievement for all trophy balls 2 or 3 days later.
MLB 2k7- achievements for winning 10 and 20 full 9 inning games. then later he unlocks play a full 9 inning game online. what????
Last here are the ones that I know are impossible to in this order
NBA 2k10- achievement for unlocking every other achievement. should be last right? nope he unlocked many more after that
Madagascar Kartz- win a race with julien. julien is only unlocked after winning 100cc championship but yet he doesnt get that achievement until a day or two later. its impossible to unlock julien before that.
Smarter than 5th grader- many instances.
need to get 25,000,000 cash online. i checked leaderboards and he never unlocked that much.
needed to get 50 answers correct in a row online. checked leaderboards and never even got close.
first day he gets the game he answers 6,000 questions correctly? i really dont think thats possible. i dont even think you could even get asked 6,000 in one day, let alone get them all correct.
Im not saying he has glitched or cheated all his games but hes for sure not 100% legit. from the looks of it, i would say he gives each game a full days playing time and tries to unlock as many as he can. the ones that he doesnt get in that day, he uses something to unlock the rest. the only thing is, he is very good at what he does.
So I went browsing through his game list and found some interesting things.
There are 4 different categories I put his achievement into.
There are the IMPOSSIBLE ones. There is no way you could get them in that order.
Then there are the UNSURE ones. They seem out of order but Im unsure.
Then the IFFY ones. Seem in the right order but seem like they would take longer to get etc.
Last there are the LEGIT ones.
I have to say, most of the achievements I saw, I would place into the LEGIT category.I would say at least 90% of them.
Then there were some that were iffy. There is no proof of cheating but they certainly seem like there may be. These could be because of boosting. Which is fine. We have no problem with boosting.
RSV2: sure got rank of elite fast(im not sure how long it takes)
Here are the ones I am unsure of. These could be unlocked out of order but I just dont know. They are:
GRAW: i dont know if you can unlock the ones that say Multiplayer offline, but some were
Tiger woods 07: got 100% completion achievement but i looked and requirements said you need all trophy balls. he got achievement for all trophy balls 2 or 3 days later.
MLB 2k7- achievements for winning 10 and 20 full 9 inning games. then later he unlocks play a full 9 inning game online. what????
Last here are the ones that I know are impossible to in this order
NBA 2k10- achievement for unlocking every other achievement. should be last right? nope he unlocked many more after that
Madagascar Kartz- win a race with julien. julien is only unlocked after winning 100cc championship but yet he doesnt get that achievement until a day or two later. its impossible to unlock julien before that.
Smarter than 5th grader- many instances.
need to get 25,000,000 cash online. i checked leaderboards and he never unlocked that much.
needed to get 50 answers correct in a row online. checked leaderboards and never even got close.
first day he gets the game he answers 6,000 questions correctly? i really dont think thats possible. i dont even think you could even get asked 6,000 in one day, let alone get them all correct.
Im not saying he has glitched or cheated all his games but hes for sure not 100% legit. from the looks of it, i would say he gives each game a full days playing time and tries to unlock as many as he can. the ones that he doesnt get in that day, he uses something to unlock the rest. the only thing is, he is very good at what he does.
In NBA 2K10 the get all achievements achievement usually unlocks second to last.