Archived: Achievement mode off
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Achievement mode off
05/17/10 8:48 am | #16
I always play a game for fun, but I also try to get the achievements. I LOVE achievements, but I still play Rock Band 2, despite getting all the achievements. This proves that even when you finish a game, you can still play it.
Re: Achievement mode off
05/17/10 9:40 am | #17
if you dont want to play for achievements, and have a LOT of downtime, go pick up the original PS final fantasy's. if you have a PSP drop $14 and get FF VII and VIII. two VERY good FF titles. and i love the fact they have put it on the PSP, very entertaining. if you're a die-hard like myself, you can grab the stratagy guides from amazon or ebay. ive seen 1 for $3.00.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Achievement mode off
05/17/10 3:40 pm | #18
Quote by iKhaotic:
Quote by Shock:
Noah you have to get too Level 100 for the last achievement, it's not worth it, unless you enjoy the game and have friends who play it.
is that really what you have to do? -__-
well, i'll give them one thing: they made a surefire way to keep completionists playing and paying the monthly fee as they spend the long haul to get to level 100 lol.
i'm satisfied with my 1000 from the single player storyline

i don't really know how long it would take someone to get to level 100 but if you're saying it's not worth it, it must be quite a while, lol. PSU sucked compared to PSO anyway.