Your last unlocked achievement...
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Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/01/09 7:35 pm | #61
Hmmm... win the super bowl in madden 06, i took the chance and just simmed it, and i got it, now all i have left to do is 30 years francise
Re: Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/01/09 10:16 pm | #62
Quote by SeanTM22:
Hmmm... win the super bowl in madden 06, i took the chance and just simmed it, and i got it, now all i have left to do is 30 years francise
Learn from my mistake and take the time every now and then to save your franchise. I was close to finishing once and the power flashed

Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/01/09 10:20 pm | #63
Quick Power in Left 4 Dead was my last one (turn back on the generator w/in 30 seconds of it shutting down)
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/01/09 10:30 pm | #64
Just Like Marty 10g in ODST. Did it myself with two controllers. Who needs friends...
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 12:19 am | #65

Five-star every song in The Beatles: Rock Band.
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 3:27 am | #66
Aerial Assault 10G - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Performed 10 Air Grabs.
Performed 10 Air Grabs.
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 6:09 pm | #67
Mile High Club - COD4
Took 2 days just got in on my 1st try today!
Took 2 days just got in on my 1st try today!
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 6:26 pm | #68
Bigger Bang/Biggest Bang in Batman: Arkham Asylum
got them at the same time when i beat the game on hard...
got them at the same time when i beat the game on hard...
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 6:29 pm | #69
3 for 300... completed the Campaign for ODST on Legendary, Heroic, and Normal
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 8:02 pm | #70
Invisible Predator - Complete a Predator Challenge using only Silent Takedowns and without being detected (which means you cant use ANY of your other gadgets, AT ALL!! no batclaws, bataranges, explosive gels, or ANYTHING. all you can do is grapple around on the gargoyles and silent takedown people...and yes, inverted/ground takedowns will void this achievement..)
Predator Bronze - Obtain 8 medals in the Predator Challenges
Predator Bronze - Obtain 8 medals in the Predator Challenges
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 8:14 pm | #71
Solo'ed the 200k achievement for the WindWard map in ODST.
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/02/09 11:54 pm | #72
Heart Breaker: Kill Arana with Wesley without mask on Killer difficulty, 25 G.
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/03/09 11:22 am | #73
Ice Age 3 - Rescue Yono (Completed Egg Roll Challenge #3)
Oh. My. God. Annoying. Thank god I finally got it.
Just three more of these stupid timed challenges with crappy controls and I'll be done with this POS.
Oh. My. God. Annoying. Thank god I finally got it.
Just three more of these stupid timed challenges with crappy controls and I'll be done with this POS.
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/03/09 12:58 pm | #74
I just ot the third of the vidmasters in halo 3 (Endure) and two of the 200k firefights, along with naughty naughty. Currently 990/1000 in ODST, will get the final firefight 200k today to have it maxed !
Re: Your last unlocked achievement...
10/03/09 1:03 pm | #75
Vanilla Crazy cake (2) on Portal:Still Alive. Its the same name as the Portal achievement on the Orange Box. I completed all 20 challenge and Advanced maps.
I have 1 more achievement to complete it. I have to enter only orange portals thoughout the game. Should be doable, but a pain in the ass!
I have 1 more achievement to complete it. I have to enter only orange portals thoughout the game. Should be doable, but a pain in the ass!