Quote me on this... I WILL 1k pure!!!!
Your last unlocked achievement...
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Quote me on this... I WILL 1k pure!!!!

Beat four Portal advanced maps.
For Colin

You've won the Colin McRae Challenge Event.

Take terminal damage while travelling at over 140mph (225km/h).
Quote by FIFE26:
For Colin

You've won the Colin McRae Challenge Event.

Take terminal damage while travelling at over 140mph (225km/h).
Lol I bet I could get terminated just about anytime I played the game. After Forza 2 I can't stand racing games anymore. Too boring for me

Quote by celticfann11:
yes, this game is PURE awesome! I love alot of racing games, but the insano tricks make this game even more awesome. Can you believe I traded fable 2 for it?
Quote by AJ:
Quote by FIFE26:
For Colin

You've won the Colin McRae Challenge Event.

Take terminal damage while travelling at over 140mph (225km/h).
Lol I bet I could get terminated just about anytime I played the game. After Forza 2 I can't stand racing games anymore. Too boring for me

That is y I hesitate to get forza 3, the game looks awesome, but I've been playing to many intense racing games.
Anyone else feel that the cars in forza are to much bound to the ground? I mean I know its a sim but sometimes you just want to flip your car 20 times down a hill. Its like they developed the game with only street legal manuvers in mind.
Any one else think the in car view is too close to the steering wheel and all the cars on the inside look very simiar? It might sound like I'm bashing, but that what I picked up from the demo

French Kiss Instructor 15G
Completed "Pilgrimage of Screams"
Quote by SeanTM22:
Quote by AJ:
Lol I bet I could get terminated just about anytime I played the game. After Forza 2 I can't stand racing games anymore. Too boring for me

That is y I hesitate to get forza 3, the game looks awesome, but I've been playing to many intense racing games.
Anyone else feel that the cars in forza are to much bound to the ground? I mean I know its a sim but sometimes you just want to flip your car 20 times down a hill. Its like they developed the game with only street legal manuvers in mind.
Any one else think the in car view is too close to the steering wheel and all the cars on the inside look very simiar? It might sound like I'm bashing, but that what I picked up from the demo
Well most of the race cars are similar in the interior in real life and I don't think the demo has enough cars to make the call on the in car aesthetics. But I can see where you're going.
Quote by BckHlPnchr:
You don't sound like you came into it with any pre-determined biases or anything

Quote by Nemesis Mask:
idk why but thats my all-time favorite achievement. idk why i just like the name of it. and tbh, i even started calling the level that (the level you get that achievement on) anytime i would go to do it id go "im doin ghillies in the mist" cause i didnt know (tbh, i still dont) know the actual name of that level lol
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