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Archived: You must read this

Posted Under: Politics
Re: You must read this
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I'm pretty sure you all know I'm voting for Obama, but no one else in my family is. Not a single one. WHY, because they are all rich and want to cry about their Taxes. Well Boo Hoo!!! It's all about Me me me me. Most of them have more money then they could possibly spend in 2 life times. But to hear them talk you would think that they were dirt poor.

They all think Obama is the Anti-Christ. (I'm not kidding, they do) I've been hearing about the end times from them for the last 10 freakn' years. Before Obama it has "Those dang Clinton's" I still hear that. Everything that has gone wrong under the Bush administration is some how always Bill Clintons fault. OH and that poor Goerge Bush has to fight those dang Democrats that are always up to no good.

OH PLease!!!! Enough of that CRAP!!! And now you know why I live in Michigan. Far, Far, away from them. Perfect examples of a distorted reality that they want to live in. I see the same kinds of people at every GOP rally. It's so Sad!!!
Re: You must read this
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I'm pretty sure you all know I'm voting for Obama, but no one else in my family is. Not a single one. WHY, because they are all rich and want to cry about their Taxes. Well Boo Hoo!!! It's all about Me me me me. Most of them have more money then they could possibly spend in 2 life times. But to hear them talk you would think that they were dirt poor.

They all think Obama is the Anti-Christ. (I'm not kidding, they do) I've been hearing about the end times from them for the last 10 freakn' years. Before Obama it has "Those dang Clinton's" I still hear that. Everything that has gone wrong under the Bush administration is some how always Bill Clintons fault. OH and that poor Goerge Bush has to fight those dang Democrats that are always up to no good.

OH PLease!!!! Enough of that CRAP!!! And now you know why I live in Michigan. Far, Far, away from them. Perfect examples of a distorted reality that they want to live in. I see the same kinds of people at every GOP rally. It's so Sad!!!
Re: You must read this
Xbox America Friend
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I'm pretty sure you all know I'm voting for Obama, but no one else in my family is. Not a single one. WHY, because they are all rich and want to cry about their Taxes. Well Boo Hoo!!! It's all about Me me me me. Most of them have more money then they could possibly spend in 2 life times. But to hear them talk you would think that they were dirt poor.

They all think Obama is the Anti-Christ. (I'm not kidding, they do) I've been hearing about the end times from them for the last 10 freakn' years. Before Obama it has "Those dang Clinton's" I still hear that. Everything that has gone wrong under the Bush administration is some how always Bill Clintons fault. OH and that poor Goerge Bush has to fight those dang Democrats that are always up to no good.

OH PLease!!!! Enough of that CRAP!!! And now you know why I live in Michigan. Far, Far, away from them. Perfect examples of a distorted reality that they want to live in. I see the same kinds of people at every GOP rally. It's so Sad!!!
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Deregulation was a major aspect of the Clinton policy. Stripping regulations away from the financial markets is exactly what helped push us to where we are now. Did you not listen to Alan Greenspan last week when she stated this?

That happened on the Clinton watch, not the Bush watch.

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Re: You must read this
Xbox America Friend
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OMG!!! ROFL!!! Raine you are starting to scare the hell out of me. How do you KNOW that shit. That is so Funny and right on the money. and sorry about the muti-post my computer froze up for a few seconds and I was like NOOOOOO!!!
Re: You must read this
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Teh PayPahBoi:

you mean The Dark Knight batman? or cartoon batman? TDK i coudl see...cartoon not really...

id elect supaman =D

Just saw this, why not the original? Comic book Batman ftw.
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Gee, that is more than my wife takes home.
Re: You must read this
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
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Dear Captain Conservative,

Please play more games. American Idol misses you. Really it does.
That is all.

Re: You must read this
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Re: You must read this

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That is FUNNY!!!!!
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