Seriously, hello all, my name is Eric, I'd rather NOT say my age for fear of being constantly ridiculed.
As sad as it's gonna sound, I problaby play more GoW than I play with my own wife...

I came here and joined when I stumbled upon the GoW Tournament Announcement. I have 1 team mate for sure, waiting on a third who may or may not come through (he's having ISP problems). Hope there are still slots available when I hear from him one way or another. Push comes to shove maybe my friend and I can join up with a single player here that doesn't have a complete team neither.
I read through the rules on the Tournament, but I don't believe I saw any information about what the format would be, as far as how many rounds to win, bleed-out time, max round time, whether the matches will be Warzone, Execution, or Assasination, etc.
I also have a couple of other questions:
1 Will the host determine these settings?
2.Who or what determines which player or which team will host the game in each bracket/match-up?
Well, this got longer than I wanted it to, I will end it now, before I keep typi..................................