Quote by San Grial:
$180 for a 120 GB hard drive... good grief...Has MS not looked at the price of Hard Drives recently?
I have a real bad feeling that this unit will either be sitting right alongside the same colored Sony product or they will all be gobbled up by eBay'ers to sell to Canadian web surfers.
I still think including the HD-DVD drive in this new unit would have been a perfect opportunity for MS to push that platform.
Sorry so pesimistic, but this just isn't a wow factor for me at all.
I'm ok with the $179.99 for the Hard drive. Considering it is essentially a notebook or portable 120 GB drive (they retail about $100 for 120 GB) and it has a unique shape/design to hook to the 360, it is probably about the right cost.
The problem with incorporating the HD-DVD is that you would have to jack the price up another $100+ to offset the cost, or take a huge loss per console. Considering this format war may never have a clear winner, nor really "catch on", MS is being smart by not over extending themselves. Sony's inclusion of the Blu-Ray drive has done nothing but cause headaches from day one.
I don't think MS was trying to get a Wow factor out of this, otherwise all these so called "leaks" wouldn't have happened. This is simply MS listening to their customers and providing another option for people to choose if they want, as well as establishing the Elite as THE console to have when their long-range plans (IPTV, Expansion of Video Marketplace, etc) come to fruition.