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Archived: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
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Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/04/06 4:34 pm | #16
Quote by sid saber:
sign me up please.
ps. this is alzapa's double team partner
Welcome! Zapa talks about how you carry the team and that he was nothng without you in the game. :D
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/04/06 11:49 pm | #17
Keep the signups coming everyone. Check the Tourney page, the second place prize has been determined.
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/05/06 4:13 am | #18
Quote by sid saber:
sign me up please.
ps. this is alzapa's double team partner
and i am the one that own's zapa.. im assuming u are the team
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/05/06 9:29 am | #19
Quote by hockeypuck55:
and i am the one that own's zapa.. im assuming u are the team
dont listen to zoboa and hockey they are just not cool like me.:D
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/08/06 10:56 pm | #20
I'm in if this is where I sign up.
I'm not great at FPS on consoles, so I'll do my part and help you guys pad your stats.
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/09/06 5:55 am | #21
Quote by itgeek47:
I'm in if this is where I sign up.
I'm not great at FPS on consoles, so I'll do my part and help you guys pad your stats.
You're in and you can't be worse than me! LOL
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/09/06 12:22 pm | #22
Count me in. Looking forward to gaming with the group.
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/11/06 1:57 am | #23
if u could would u pleez sign me up
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/11/06 3:45 am | #24
Quote by ruin08:
if u could would u pleez sign me up
welcome new guy
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/15/06 1:00 am | #25
im in if i can et on live tht day. so make me a maybe
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/15/06 9:10 am | #26
Welcome to Xbox Ohio you guys!
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/15/06 10:58 am | #27
welcome to the best site on the web.
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/15/06 11:03 am | #28
Quote by alzapa:
welcome to the best site on the web.
Damnn straight! ;)
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/15/06 12:18 pm | #29
Pasta, how come you're not in the Halo 2 ladders or in our H2 clan, but you have a level in Halo 2?
Re: XbO Summer Halo2 Tourney
08/15/06 12:21 pm | #30
Quote by ukfan1444:
Pasta, how come you're not in the Halo 2 ladders or in our H2 clan, but you have a level in Halo 2?
whats a level?
I don't have halo 2. I might've put it in my 360 once so I could download a patch so i could play over system link at a friends.. but I'm almost positive I only did that with Halo 1.
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