Archived: XbA Night 3/15: Shadowrun
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: XbA Night 3/15: Shadowrun
03/16/08 11:35 am | #16
Can your mother in law come to my house?
Re: XbA Night 3/15: Shadowrun
03/16/08 1:43 pm | #17
Yeah mine too, sheesh.
That was really fun guys. What's up for next week? Halo? Call of Duty? Fuzion Frenzy 2? I hope it's Fuzion Frenzy 2.
That was really fun guys. What's up for next week? Halo? Call of Duty? Fuzion Frenzy 2? I hope it's Fuzion Frenzy 2.
Re: XbA Night 3/15: Shadowrun
03/16/08 2:46 pm | #18
What Z said: Thanks everyone. That was hella fun!!! Again Crook, sorry for your misfortune, but at least you got a tv out of the deal, plus we got some rounds in anyways. See y'all on this Saturday. Thanks for the achievements Z

Re: XbA Night 3/15: Shadowrun
03/16/08 5:53 pm | #19
z don't cry cuz I kicked your butt!