Archived: XBLA Question
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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XBLA Question
08/07/07 12:59 pm | #1
Why is it that i can't play any of my arcade games offline. I recently got a elite and redownloaded everything because my previous xbox was stolen. i only bought Sonic on this elite and it is the only one i can play offline (besides hexic and aegis wing) does any of this make sense to anyone.
Re: XBLA Question
08/07/07 2:25 pm | #2
It is a security (copyright) measure. The original arcade title is tied to the console it was purchased and downloaded to for complete open play (on or off Live). It prevents people from buying a title on one Console, and then downloading it to many other consoles using their profile and then leaving a game for anyone to play. It forces you to be connected to Live to verify it is you utilizing the arcade game.
Re: XBLA Question
08/07/07 4:54 pm | #3
Makes a lot of sense
Re: XBLA Question
08/08/07 6:50 am | #4
MS needs to come up with a way to get around this for those that have their consoles replaced however. I had my 360 repaired and then had to go through hoops to be able to purchase the XBLA catalog offline. I really wish they would somehow tie your serial number to your gamertag or something like that and when you recover it would ask if you would like the console you are currently using be your primary console and if so, allow all downloaded content to be played off-line. That way it would allow it only on one console and still allow you to travel and play at others and not set the primary console. Maybe not this exact method, but something. Who knows, maybe the next xbox will have an access card that will need to be inserted that contains your information. Just me rambling on, but I was able to get points credited and get all of the arcade re-downloaded.
Re: XBLA Question
08/08/07 2:33 pm | #5
I think your right about that. unfortunaly I'm waiting for xboxlive to become free lol (wishful thinking)
Re: XBLA Question
08/08/07 2:35 pm | #6
I think your right about that. unfortunaly I'm waiting for xboxlive to become free lol (wishful thinking)
What are you talking about? It is free! Haven't you heard of Xbox Live Silver?
Re: XBLA Question
08/20/07 12:27 pm | #7
Lol silver. Im with you crooklyn we can protest for free xbox live.
Re: XBLA Question
08/26/07 3:35 am | #8
Quote by Crusified Ninja:
Lol silver. Im with you crooklyn we can protest for free xbox live.
Thank you I make the picket sign!!!!
Re: XBLA Question
08/26/07 6:56 pm | #9
ILL GET THE RIOT EQUIPMENT AND THE *cough*marijuana*cough*
cause i dont think we can sit out and protest for long without something to keep us entertained
cause i dont think we can sit out and protest for long without something to keep us entertained
Re: XBLA Question
08/26/07 6:58 pm | #10
true true ds and psps all around!
Re: XBLA Question
08/26/07 7:24 pm | #11
even tho i want XBL to be free MS wouldn't have enough money to support all these arcade games and updates to games and stuff
Re: XBLA Question
08/26/07 7:33 pm | #12
well i want live itself to be free, but maybey they charge for marketplace stuff
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