Well recently, 360voice has added a new feature to their site allowing you to creating a 360voice group that as stated on their site, are perfect for:
1. CLANS that want a place to track what people are playing and get some combined stats
2. WEBSITES to have a fun place for their members to group together
3. FRIENDS that play together and want to have a space to congregate about Xbox
Plus the group totals everyone's combine gamerscore points too!!
Well yours truly has gone ahead, with the permission of the gods that be (Witnessboobie and Zoboa), and created a group for everybody here at XBOXAMERICA
The link is just below and I will keep it update with any and all info needed:
XBA/360 Voice Blog Group
I hope everyone here joins has the group won't show till there are at least 2 members and who knows there might be a contest someday for the biggest group.
So please join today!!!