Archived: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 7:47 am | #16
Wow PSORaine, that hot!! I love it thanks for making the effort. gonna to talk to Zoboa Boobie about the prize and get cracking on that keep them coming people!!
Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 12:15 pm | #17
those are pretty tight Raine
Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 2:27 pm | #18
Raine, they suck. jkjkj

Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 5:41 pm | #19
Those are real nice Raine, I like the top one the best!!!
Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 6:48 pm | #22
Quote by PSORaine:
Thanks, guys. What I wanted to do was put like- have the top 3 games played by us in the banner... Boobs said what 1 and 2 were last week, so I put those, but I didn't know what 3 was so i just put the guy who's the topic of a ton of our conversations lately! Umm... I could do other games if anyone has some suggestions that would look better...
Also, can anyone see my sig? It seems to have disappearededed... along with my gamer tile in the member list.
Also, can anyone see my sig? It seems to have disappearededed... along with my gamer tile in the member list.
Here are the top 10 games with name, rank and percent of Xbox America players who played at all in the last 7 days who also played the game in the last 7 days:
1. Fable II (30.52%)
2. Fallout 3 (29.61%)
3. Halo 3 (21.24%)
4. Call of Duty 4 (17.48%)
5. Rock Band 2 (16.17%)
6. Guitar Hero World Tour (15.21%)
7. Gears of War (13.56%)
8. Saint's Row 2 (11.24%)
9. Far Cry 2 (6.74%)
10. Dead Space (6.7%)
Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 7:15 pm | #23
Quote by WitnessBoobie:
Here are the top 10 games with name, rank and percent of Xbox America players who played at all in the last 7 days who also played the game in the last 7 days:
1. Fable II (30.52%)
2. Fallout 3 (29.61%)
3. Halo 3 (21.24%)
4. Call of Duty 4 (17.48%)
5. Rock Band 2 (16.17%)
6. Guitar Hero World Tour (15.21%)
7. Gears of War (13.56%)
8. Saint's Row 2 (11.24%)
9. Far Cry 2 (6.74%)
10. Dead Space (6.7%)
1. Fable II (30.52%)
2. Fallout 3 (29.61%)
3. Halo 3 (21.24%)
4. Call of Duty 4 (17.48%)
5. Rock Band 2 (16.17%)
6. Guitar Hero World Tour (15.21%)
7. Gears of War (13.56%)
8. Saint's Row 2 (11.24%)
9. Far Cry 2 (6.74%)
10. Dead Space (6.7%)
sheesh, i guess i play the lesser popular games then....

Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 8:19 pm | #25
ive played 4 games on that list in the past...hmm...
Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 9:10 pm | #26
Nope, didn't see no Lost planet on there!!!
OMG!!!....Raine get away from your computer it's the Dip!!!!! It has found you through the internet.....RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! Oh, and save your Kitty's!!!

OMG!!!....Raine get away from your computer it's the Dip!!!!! It has found you through the internet.....RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! Oh, and save your Kitty's!!!

Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 9:27 pm | #28
Quote by PSORaine:
Oh no... I can't find Washu!! It's too late!!!
but there's still time to save Dryu!

Re: XBA/360 Blog: the Contest
11/03/08 9:35 pm | #30
Quote by PSORaine:
Wow... that was such a nerdy thing to say! 

leave it to me...