Archived: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 4:56 pm | #1
Has anyone thought of an app for the iPhone or iPod for the website? If I knew how to make one I would and send it in for certification to apple. I figured this would be a good way to check out the site quick and efficiently without having to use you computer. I figured that peopl could see what events are coming up and the forums updated immediately right there in their hand. Any thoughts on this one guys & girls??

Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 5:09 pm | #2
I've mentioned it before but didn't want to limit it to ipod or iphone due to the fact I have a blackberry and a zune. I think podcasts would be the shiz natto bang too
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 5:15 pm | #3
i though this idea would be cool too
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 5:19 pm | #4
yea great idea. i have a ipod and i would be using the app 24/7. i hate using the internet
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 6:12 pm | #5
I've never programmed on the iPhone before, but I do have an introductory book on the subject. I have an iPhone myself, and I'd love to be able to do this but unfortunately I don't think it'll happen any time soon.
I'd need to invest in a Apple Developer Connection membership. Right now it'd cost me close to $500. If I wait until I'm enrolled at a university in a year and get the student membership, the price goes down to $99.
Also, while I've never done it before, I know programming a full-fledged iPhone/iPod-Touch app is a lot of work. It'd take me a while once I got the membership.
And, on top of all that, not all Xbox America users have an iPhone or iPod Touch. I think I'd be catering to a pretty small group.
I'd need to invest in a Apple Developer Connection membership. Right now it'd cost me close to $500. If I wait until I'm enrolled at a university in a year and get the student membership, the price goes down to $99.
Also, while I've never done it before, I know programming a full-fledged iPhone/iPod-Touch app is a lot of work. It'd take me a while once I got the membership.
And, on top of all that, not all Xbox America users have an iPhone or iPod Touch. I think I'd be catering to a pretty small group.
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 10:28 pm | #6
yup, I once tried to get this going before too. I didn't realize how much it was for a membership, but I was told that not all XBA members have iphone, so everyone that doesn't have an iphone, needs to go get one, lol
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/18/09 11:27 pm | #7
What about one for Android phones? I don't know shit about it but surely they'd be cheaper than the iPhone ones. I know they're not as popular as iPhones but yeah... I don't know where I'm going with this and I could have ended this post at the first sentence but I'm flaming out here so I'll bow out not-so-gracefully.
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
10/19/09 9:02 am | #10
I know not all members have one of those devices. I also didn't know that it cost that much to join the ADC. I was looking through the apps the other day on my phone and saw that gamertagradio.com had an app and I thought why not us? I would totally pay for the app too! I feel that if everyone who had an iPhone/iPod bought and used the app, we could get other people out there to find our website and we could go international!!! Oh well pipe dreams.
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
11/02/09 4:44 pm | #11
id like an app seeing as how i dont usually get on the computer and whenever i post its on my ipod so id like an app for this but theres no way id pay for it cause 1. lack of money 2. i could use the money toward something else
Re: Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
11/02/09 6:31 pm | #12
Quote by Mike93:
What about one for Android phones? I don't know shit about it but surely they'd be cheaper than the iPhone ones. I know they're not as popular as iPhones but yeah... I don't know where I'm going with this and I could have ended this post at the first sentence but I'm flaming out here so I'll bow out not-so-gracefully.
I second that one, not because I have an Android device - I have a Windows Mobile device... if iPhone/iPod get the attention so should Android and WinMo. Can't leave anyone out.

Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
11/02/09 7:12 pm | #13
i think jackson said thats it to expensive to make an apple app, and there very hard to make. if he said that about apple, he probably will do the same for the android phones.
Re: XBA app for the iPhone/iPod???
01/07/10 6:18 pm | #14
What about just an XBA, Mobile.
Not sure how it works but i know that sites sometimes re-direct me when Im on my iPod to a more mobile friendly version of the site.
Not sure how it works but i know that sites sometimes re-direct me when Im on my iPod to a more mobile friendly version of the site.