lol. somtimes i just cant help myself.
Archived: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
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Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/14/09 11:44 pm | #106
deadliest catch. shrek 3. pirates 3. prince caspian.
lol. somtimes i just cant help myself.
lol. somtimes i just cant help myself.
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/14/09 11:50 pm | #107
i would say halo 3 and thats just my opinion not bashing halo
Re: Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/15/09 10:33 am | #108
Quote by Von Doom:
deadliest catch. shrek 3. pirates 3. prince caspian.
lol. somtimes i just cant help myself.
lol. somtimes i just cant help myself.
I've played all of these too except deadliest catch. I heard that was a hard gamerscore game.
I do like the show though.

Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/15/09 11:36 am | #109
From what I played I would say CSI. I paced myself and took 3 days, but you could beat it in a full day.
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/15/09 1:12 pm | #110
hanna montana and spyro the dragon
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/15/09 1:14 pm | #111
I thought Terminator was bad the first time, but I was wrong. It was worse the second time when I had to play though on hard.
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/22/09 11:44 pm | #113
ok i got one to add here. Brave a Warriors Tale is absolutely horrible. i cant even imagine 1k'ing it with all the collectables. if it wasnt for the 500g chieve for beating the game i would stop now. glitchy, buggy, crappy, horrible game!!!!!! ill get my 810 and be done with tis shitty game. and the worst thing about it is that i had to buy it new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not even worth the 29.99 i had to pay
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/22/09 11:47 pm | #114
Eragon, I have fallen asleep 3 times playing this game, lol.
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/22/09 11:50 pm | #116
me too i still have to complete eragon but it gets really boring
Re: Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/22/09 11:56 pm | #117
Quote by brents23:
me too i still have to complete eragon but it gets really boring
I blame Eragon for my crappy performance in the last 2 weeks of the gamerscore challenge. I joined them hoping to win, but just can't finsih it for the boring crapfest that is Eragon.
Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/23/09 1:45 am | #118
There is nothing on this earth and that includes a number that means nothing that would make me play these crappy games and have them on my recently played list for all my friends to see.
Re: Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/23/09 12:01 pm | #119
Quote by TheBrouhaha84:
There is nothing on this earth and that includes a number that means nothing that would make me play these crappy games and have them on my recently played list for all my friends to see.
All I can say is, different strokes for different folks. You won't play a game just for gamerscore and a lot of people will. You seem to care what people will think about you because of the games on your games played list and I don't.
Re: Re: Re: Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore
08/23/09 4:08 pm | #120
Quote by unkled20:
Quote by TheBrouhaha84:
There is nothing on this earth and that includes a number that means nothing that would make me play these crappy games and have them on my recently played list for all my friends to see.
All I can say is, different strokes for different folks. You won't play a game just for gamerscore and a lot of people will. You seem to care what people will think about you because of the games on your games played list and I don't.
Hannah Montanna for FTMFW!