Archived: Windows Live ID w/ 360
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Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/26/07 2:59 pm | #1
Does anyone know how to change the Live ID that is linked to your 360?
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/26/07 4:06 pm | #2
Quote by ukfan1444:
Does anyone know how to change the Live ID that is linked to your 360?
Good info HERE
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/26/07 4:48 pm | #3
That doesn't seem like a feature to me. Seems like a pain in the ass and poor design.
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/27/07 1:26 pm | #4
Wow, that stinks. Bad job on Microsoft's part with this.
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/27/07 1:34 pm | #5
Quote by ukfan1444:
Wow, that stinks. Bad job on Microsoft's part with this.
I don't think so at all. The whole point of setting it up this way is to allow you to utilize a single Live account for both your Xbox 360 and Live capable Games for Windows on Vista. Trust me, I have played Shadowrun a ton on my PC against guys on the 360 and it is really cool to be able to sign in to Live through the PC console.
Plus, one fee covers both platforms. This is the future of how gaming will be handled for Games for Windows titles.....When we saw this at CES in January I was salivating at the thought of playing games on both platforms. I have Halo 2 on PC, but haven't installed it yet. Quite possibly putting it in tonight.
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/27/07 2:52 pm | #6
Quote by zoboa:
I don't think so at all. The whole point of setting it up this way is to allow you to utilize a single Live account for both your Xbox 360 and Live capable Games for Windows on Vista. Trust me, I have played Shadowrun a ton on my PC against guys on the 360 and it is really cool to be able to sign in to Live through the PC console.
Plus, one fee covers both platforms. This is the future of how gaming will be handled for Games for Windows titles.....When we saw this at CES in January I was salivating at the thought of playing games on both platforms. I have Halo 2 on PC, but haven't installed it yet. Quite possibly putting it in tonight.
Plus, one fee covers both platforms. This is the future of how gaming will be handled for Games for Windows titles.....When we saw this at CES in January I was salivating at the thought of playing games on both platforms. I have Halo 2 on PC, but haven't installed it yet. Quite possibly putting it in tonight.
I don't think this is really that related to that.
I'm pretty sure their 'Live ID' is just a universal account for all Microsoft's online crap.
The way it looks to me, is that they very easily could have made Xbox Live gamer profiles independent, or create the ability to switch the Live ID associated with the XBL gamer profiles. They could have made it so on both 360, and PC you just sign into your profile instead of a Live ID.
Also, there's no reason that I can see why we shouldn't be able to change the Live ID associated with a gamer profile.
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/27/07 9:16 pm | #7
I agree with Pasta. I deleted my old email address in lue of my new one. I also got a new Live ID for my new email address which I now want to link to my 360. I think they really should of given us the option to change. Even if you go to the initial setup again, you can't do it. This agrivates me.
Re: Windows Live ID w/ 360
06/27/07 10:01 pm | #8
Quote by ukfan1444:
I agree with Pasta. I deleted my old email address in lue of my new one. I also got a new Live ID for my new email address which I now want to link to my 360. I think they really should of given us the option to change. Even if you go to the initial setup again, you can't do it. This agrivates me.
I would call customer support and see if they can move your billing and account info to the new ID. It doesn't say you can't do it that way.....
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