Archived: Who has a DS and/or PSP. I have a couple Q's
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Re: Who has a DS and/or PSP. I have a couple Q's
08/04/08 2:01 pm | #62
SOCOM Firestorm Bravo, Pinball Hall of Fame, and Atari Arcade Classics Evolved have all been great friends while traveling and stuck in airports. I have GTA: Liberty City Stories that I have not tried yet, but might do so this week.
Re: Who has a DS and/or PSP. I have a couple Q's
08/05/08 5:46 pm | #65
Quote by Shockwave22:
now Square enix has anounced Parasite eve 3, FF13 agito, and a new kingdom hearts game, i hope 2 god these come to usa
Those are obviously a gimme PE 1 and 2, most FF and KH 1 and 2 came to the US,so Im sure they wont want to miss on those money makers.
This one looks like fun too...looks like a pocket Ehrgeiz.
You can youtube some gameplay too.