Archived: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
Posted Under: Gaming
Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 10:23 am | #1
I have no money to buy any games this summer but luckily I have a few months of gamefly paid up from some trade-ins. Looking to fill up the q. Red Faction & Ghostbuster are 2 im eyeing. What are you playing this summer?
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 10:38 am | #2
I've got an enormous stack of games that I haven't even opened that I would like to make my way through during the summer, including many waffle movie games. As of right now, though, I'll be playing Prototype and Sacred 2 until I 1k (not very likely) both or get real tired of them (much more likely).
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 11:16 am | #3
Whole lot of prototype...A ASS LOAD OF fight night round 4, and a whole bunch of madden.
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 11:28 am | #4
How could I forget about Prototype, top of my q. Got UFC 09 yesterday, going to enjoy that for a while.
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 1:29 pm | #6
I plan on a social life.. ftl
. And I can't wait for the fall, so many games! So little time!

06/10/09 3:23 pm | #7
I will be outside.
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 3:34 pm | #8
The only game i'm buying this summer is Madden 10...and maybe Prototype.
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/10/09 5:48 pm | #10
Hopefully get FUEL and 1000 in Left 4 Dead
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/11/09 10:06 am | #11
Definitely will be outside enjoying the summer, but I finally have some free time, so getting fresh games from gamefly will be really nice. I've added: Xmen Wolverine, Deadspace and Godfather 2 to my q.
Fall is going to be sick for games though!
Fall is going to be sick for games though!
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/11/09 10:29 am | #12
Since I don't actually get a summer to just do whatever I want. I'll continue as usual.
Work, Sleep, Beer, Video Games, Beer, GF, Video Games, Sleep, Beer, Beer, Beer, GF, Beer, and sleep.
I think that about sums it up.
Work, Sleep, Beer, Video Games, Beer, GF, Video Games, Sleep, Beer, Beer, Beer, GF, Beer, and sleep.
I think that about sums it up.
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/11/09 10:37 am | #13
I think I going over to Duffman's house for the summer!!! LOL!!!
Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/11/09 11:23 am | #14
work - sacred 2 - beer - sleep
work - sacred 2 - beer - sleep
work - sacred 2 - beer - sleep
that about wraps it up me thinks.
sacred was supposed to hold me over until bioshock 2 comes out, but i doubt i'll be done with it by then. it's so freaking addicting and huge.
work - sacred 2 - beer - sleep
work - sacred 2 - beer - sleep
that about wraps it up me thinks.
sacred was supposed to hold me over until bioshock 2 comes out, but i doubt i'll be done with it by then. it's so freaking addicting and huge.
Re: Re: Whats your gaming plan for the summer?
06/11/09 12:12 pm | #15
Quote by TK Chillin:
I think I going over to Duffman's house for the summer!!! LOL!!!
Also, Noah, how is Sacred 2? I've thought about getting it. But if I do get it, it wont be until after I finish Prototype, Red Faction, and The Godfather 2. Not to mention I still need to finish Bioshock.
I need to stop buying