Archived: Whats up guys
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Whats up guys
11/09/06 5:01 pm | #1
Hey im MadDKillspree. I've been registered to the site for awhile now but never really left any comments. I'm almost 15 years old now and im on the Varsity football team. I go to Green High School. You will find me to be a patient person when it comes to video games. I'm a shooter gamer, and i love to listen to heavy metal while im playing. I am here searching for buddies to kick some arse with on live. I would much appreciate it if you would send me some friend requests. Thank you.
Re: Whats up guys
11/09/06 5:08 pm | #2
wats up man? mushroom likes heavy metal if you want to talk music with someone, im also all about shooting people so i'll send you a FR sometime.. dont be afraid to post around here some
Re: Whats up guys
11/09/06 5:11 pm | #3
Hey man, I just sent you a friend request. I love shooters too.
Re: Whats up guys
11/09/06 6:31 pm | #4
I just send you a FR, but if you don't play GoW I don't know if we will be playing together much

GoW owns all!!!!!!!!!!!

GoW owns all!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Whats up guys
01/07/07 1:11 am | #5
Yo Mad Killin Spree sup. xbox america is pretty cool. we should play som rainbow six later. i just got that game and s fun..
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