Archived: Whats up?
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Re: Whats up?
06/20/09 8:06 pm | #2
Bienvenidos al Sitio?

Re: Whats up?
06/20/09 8:07 pm | #4
A belated welcome to ya.
Re: Whats up?
06/20/09 8:09 pm | #5
Looks like a bunch of lies. You've got a high gamerscore and love video games so you must be short, fat, and greasy.

Re: Whats up?
06/20/09 8:10 pm | #7
good stuff tom... except for the cadillac. WTF??? lol
Re: Whats up?
06/20/09 8:17 pm | #9
they're not terrible or anything, but wouldn't you rather score a crossfire?
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