Archived: Whats up?
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Whats up?
11/06/07 12:35 pm | #1
Whats up? Im new here but not new to the communities. Im from PA and in college without live access until i get home but feel free to add me on xbl
Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 12:39 pm | #2
Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 3:30 pm | #3
Welcome aboard. Please take a look at the FAQs lying around, use the search feature when you want to make a new thread, don't be afraid to ask questions and most importantly: Have fun!

Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 3:37 pm | #4
whats up, welcome!
Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 5:44 pm | #5
welcome O(

Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 6:25 pm | #6
Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 6:54 pm | #7
well that sucks,
welcome to the site!
welcome to the site!
Re: Whats up?
11/06/07 7:43 pm | #8
welcome to xba
Re: Whats up?
11/07/07 8:08 pm | #10
welcome to the community
Re: Whats up?
11/08/07 3:40 pm | #11
What UP and welcome to XBA
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