But I won't fight TK Chillin for her! I'll stick with my Hannah Montana fantasies and my Keira Knightly stand-up (stole it from my job when I worked at Wal-mart and Pirates 3 came out heee) until that beautiful goddess from Heavenly Sword can stab her way onto my 360.
Archived: What would you Perfer to Have?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 3:20 am | #76
I actually like her a lot. I like the fact that she isn't a Cosmo cover model and has some junk in the trunk. What I don't like is that she's kind of spastic about things, but in all honestly I would be pretty jazzed at doing little mini-vids for Xboxers and all--I'm sure I would come off twice as goofy/stupid/whatever.
But I won't fight TK Chillin for her! I'll stick with my Hannah Montana fantasies and my Keira Knightly stand-up (stole it from my job when I worked at Wal-mart and Pirates 3 came out heee) until that beautiful goddess from Heavenly Sword can stab her way onto my 360.
But I won't fight TK Chillin for her! I'll stick with my Hannah Montana fantasies and my Keira Knightly stand-up (stole it from my job when I worked at Wal-mart and Pirates 3 came out heee) until that beautiful goddess from Heavenly Sword can stab her way onto my 360.
Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 3:23 am | #77
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
is that TK in that first pic? if so, thats real close to what i imagined for the old dude guarding the fridge O-o
the second pic i swear scared me..i scrolled and practically fell out of my chair dude...bit scary in that pic
the 3rd pic is more..creepy, than scary..maybe because its just one of those pic that stares, and if you move you think they follow you...
btw, its voila, not viola. viola is a bunch of violin...or it can sound like some italian food >->
the second pic i swear scared me..i scrolled and practically fell out of my chair dude...bit scary in that pic
the 3rd pic is more..creepy, than scary..maybe because its just one of those pic that stares, and if you move you think they follow you...
btw, its voila, not viola. viola is a bunch of violin...or it can sound like some italian food >->
That's Elijah Wood I think, and a viola is an instrument.

Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 3:25 am | #80
the tv just said something about Keira Knightly..also something about a funky hat..i think it was a song..but i wasnt paying attention
Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 3:26 am | #81
Quote by PSORaine:
lol I went so fast to change my spelling I didn't even read his definition of viola. Good catch 

god rev's catching everything isnt he lol
first there was...that..one thing..then pop-eye, and now this
Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 3:30 am | #83
ok, well i guess i am off..it is cold a a bagel in this house and i think i hear my mattress calling my name
i bid you all ado and good day. ill prolly be back in like..hmm..its 3:30...i wake up 12-1... 9-10 hours and ill be back
Nick is gone
I'd like to say Paco is gone (yes, thats right, i have an alter ego/split personality) but hes on vacation somewhere O-o
i bid you all ado and good day. ill prolly be back in like..hmm..its 3:30...i wake up 12-1... 9-10 hours and ill be back

Nick is gone

I'd like to say Paco is gone (yes, thats right, i have an alter ego/split personality) but hes on vacation somewhere O-o
Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 5:17 am | #85
gamerpics for me
Re: What would you Perfer to Have?
06/25/08 9:11 am | #86
I see what goes on in here at night. Some of those were so funny it made me spit out my beer......a ..I mean coffee since i'm at work.
And Raine I like how you made sure that none of those pics showed Trixie's huge Rack. I think thats the real reason you have a problem with her. I've heard about this with woman before. It's ok, just Lie down on Rev's couch and tell him all ahout it. I would say KiDD's couch, but with all the girls he has over, I would want a Hazmat suit on before I touched anything...JK LOL
And Raine I like how you made sure that none of those pics showed Trixie's huge Rack. I think thats the real reason you have a problem with her. I've heard about this with woman before. It's ok, just Lie down on Rev's couch and tell him all ahout it. I would say KiDD's couch, but with all the girls he has over, I would want a Hazmat suit on before I touched anything...JK LOL