Closed: What is up from the evergreen state.
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Re: Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 10:26 pm | #108
Quote by AAR0NtheBEAST:
Quote by mikey the biggest butthole in the world:
Oh yeah, that's why I left you a message in your shoutbox saying te amo
to bad i gave it to someone who actually cares for me monoply....LOLOLOL

WTF eres pendejo aaron, no wonder ppl dont like u here in XBA
Re: Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 10:31 pm | #110
Quote by AAR0NtheBEAST:
Quote by monoplyasshole19:
WTF eres pendejo aaron, no wonder ppl dont like u here in XBA
ppl? i dont care if ppl dont like me. i care if PEOPLE dont like me.

oh my bad, i meant to say, no wonder taco doesnt like u, much better now
Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 10:47 pm | #112
at first i thought about posting this...

but then i decided on this one.

^ FTW/L?!?!?!

but then i decided on this one.

^ FTW/L?!?!?!
Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 11:00 pm | #114
LOL much thanks.
that ^ is supposed to represent a triangle. did that come out right?
that ^ is supposed to represent a triangle. did that come out right?

Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 11:15 pm | #115
Why did you put a triangle there noah?

Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 11:16 pm | #116
because i love pink floyd dumbass!

Re: What is up from the evergreen state.
04/25/09 11:19 pm | #117
Rofl. You are a rectangle! Back on subject. Is there still snow in some parts of washington? Because there's a lot in colorado haha.
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