Archived: What is Game Saving?
Posted Under: Gaming
What is Game Saving?
09/17/09 11:56 pm | #1
I've read time and time again about someone being called a cheater for game saving. What exactly is game saving?

Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 12:18 am | #4
Its gay. That's what it is.
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 12:18 am | #5
I don't know and don't want to know. The last thing we should do is explain how it's done. It's cheating, that's all that's worth knowing.
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 12:44 am | #6
Something puss bags do
Re: Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 1:32 am | #7
Quote by Mike93:
Its gay. That's what it is.
yea that's the story to it and that's what i'm sticking with
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 1:39 am | #8
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 5:32 am | #9
its what no-life dbags do to easily obtain gamerscore. its rather annoying...i mean, i can sorta deal w/ glitchers/hackers in a game, but gamesavers? i cant stand em -_-
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 7:49 am | #10
I agree with everyone above, its just stupid.
Plus, I don't see how that could be considered fun.
Hey look, my gamerscore is over 300k. "Really, what was your favorite game?" Game, what is the meaning of that word?
Plus, I don't see how that could be considered fun.
Hey look, my gamerscore is over 300k. "Really, what was your favorite game?" Game, what is the meaning of that word?
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 3:17 pm | #11
Remember that thing that gamers do to enjoy video games? What was it again? OH YEAH! Play them!
Well gamesavers go to great lengths to remove that aspect from their gaming experience just to raise their arbitrary number next to their gamertag. Funny, because most of them will say that they don't even care about their score anyway! lol
Well gamesavers go to great lengths to remove that aspect from their gaming experience just to raise their arbitrary number next to their gamertag. Funny, because most of them will say that they don't even care about their score anyway! lol
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 3:40 pm | #12
it certainly isn't this.
don't be fooled.
don't be fooled.
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 4:12 pm | #13
I just jizzed in my pants. Thanks Noah.
Re: What is Game Saving?
09/18/09 4:16 pm | #14
you're welcome.