Quote by PSORaine:
Falls under attention waffle gamer girl, btw.
Hahaha Raine you are such white bread.
She is a regular writer for that gaming website as well as a contributor to many others, regularly attends and reports on conventions, and sets up gaming tournaments.
As both a gamer and a human who has absolutely no problem with the human form, male or female, I can honestly say she can have some of my attention. I appreciate informative, perceptive writing almost as much as I do female crotches and Rez.
Quote by nexxai:
Now what am I suggesting? You not write the article? No. It's a good article. It's just that the whole "OMG I'M A GRRL LOOK AT ME PLAY GAMES" theme behind this site makes it seem as if you're trying to rub it in guys' faces.
Posted by: nexxai on November 6, 2002 12:22 PM
Oh, I see what I did wrong. Apparently I didn't make the font larger where it says the website is called
GAMEGIRLADVANCE. I also didn't add a descriptor detailing how it is a site by girls that game, for anyone that games
(male or female), and that yes indeed part of the site's point is OMG I'M A GRRL LOOK AT ME PLAY GAMES.
I'll use a bigger font next time I post something that threatens the Women's Movement.
"What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' /
They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em"