###### XBOX.COM FORUM POST ######
So, I turn on my 360 the other night, and I see I have a message. I see who it is from, but don't recognize the name... Helacool360. So, I begin to read it...
"Hey this is the only achievement I need to complete PGR3. If I get you a 1000 in any game that I have 1000 in, would you consider recovering my account and getting the last PGR achievement for me."
I ask myself, Who is this guy, what achievement is he talking about, and what in the world is he talking about recovering account and getting me 1000 in any game. Then I begin to look at what achievement he is missing for PGR3. The tournament qualifier one I got he doesn't have.
Wow, has the gaming society stooped to this low to start randomly asking people to get achievements for them. Is this even possible? Wouldn't I have to go over to the guys house and do it for him?
Has anyone else ever gotten a message like this? How should I even begin to respond to to this request. I did a search on these forums, and he does post on here, so if you are Helacool360 with a gamerscore over 28k please explain yourself. I am unlcear on what your intent here was.
Written by gamertag : San Grial
I think this is worth stating to keep our local community safe, and the discourage achievement point cheating (no matter how fricken weak / pathetic it is) :)
This post can be read at: http://forums.xbox.com/5327041/ShowPost.aspx
I have edited this to say that if this is actually false, I apologize. I am just reposting it here becuase it raised a level of concern to me.