Archived: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
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Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/20/08 9:07 pm | #1
Check out this footage from the Microsoft Keynote at GDC. This is the updated version of Unreal Engine 3 in action. This is also the version that will be powering Gears of War 2. This s a must watch, as it shows off the new details. The Dynamic Fluid Surfaces piece is especially impressive as is the Destrcutible Environment. Oh yeah, look for the "Cube of Meat"
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Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/22/08 12:22 am | #2
that was pretty awesome
Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/22/08 8:16 am | #4
If they incorporate all of that into gears 2 that game will be so amazing.
Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/22/08 10:24 am | #5
Quote by cathXoXlic:
If they incorporate all of that into gears 2 that game will be so amazing.
Yes, Gears 2 uses the updated Unreal 3 Engine seen in the video...
Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/22/08 3:14 pm | #6
holy crap im not goin to leave my room wen that bad boy comes out

Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/24/08 9:45 pm | #7
That's what she said. Hey-ooo. Yeah this Gears looks cool.. The last one didn't look so cool. This one does though.
Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/25/08 8:15 am | #8
That is gonna be so sweet.
Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/25/08 3:22 pm | #10
i love how it was all on gridlock lol
Re: Unreal Engine Tech demo from GDC
02/26/08 1:40 am | #12
lol cube of meat looks facinating
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