1. Lock and Load - Complete Chapter 1 - 10G
- Pretty self explanitory. Complete the first mission in campaign (it's a deathmatch against Jester).
2. Soldier's Blood - Complete Chapter 2 - 30G
- Also pretty easy. The last mission is a Warfare game on Toran Delta.
3. Does Not Compute - Complete Chapter 3 - 30G
- Same as the others. Last mission is TDM on Gateway.
4. Not In Kansas Anymore - Complete Chapter 4 - 30G
- Same again. Last Mission is TDM on Deimos.
5. I'm Not On A Holy War - Defeat Akasha and win the Campaign - 60G
- Beat the final mission. It's a deathmatch on Sentinal.
6. Just Business - Complete Chapter 2 on Insane - 30G
- Beat it on Insane. Read info below for instructions on the glitch.
7. Bag of Bolts - Complete Chapter 3 on Insane - 30G
- Beat it on Insane. Read info below for instructions of the glitch.
8. Open War - Complete Chapter 4 on Insane - 30G
- Beat it on Insane. Read info below for instructions on the glitch.
9. Fear the Reaper - Defeat Akasha on Insane - 60G
- Beat her on Insane. Read info below for instructions on the glitch.
CAMPAIGN GLITCH: Some of you may no that the campaign is very very hard on Insane. So I have a nice little glitch that will help you. Play through the chapter on casual until you reach the final mission of the chapter (that's why I provided the last missions above), but do not play it yet. Switch the difficulty to Insane and beat the last mission of the chapter. You will get both the achievement for beating the chapter on any difficulty, and for beating it on Insane.
10. I Need Some Backup - Complete 1 Mission in co-op - 10G
- Simple. Beat 1 mission with a friend over xbox-live or splitscreen.
11. Got Your Back - Complete 10 Missions in co-op - 20G
- Also simple. Beat 10 missions with a friend in co-op.
12. Thanks To All the Little People - Complete the Game in Co-op - 40G
- Beat all the missions in co-op with a friend.
13. I See How it Is - Complete a INSTANT ACTION match in every gametype - 10G
- Simply play an Instant Action game against bots on all 6 gametypes.
14. Untouchable - Reach 20 kills against a godlike bot w/ out dieing - 20G
- This one can be tricky. Luckily there's a way! Here is a great video of an easy way to get this achievement - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PDhPE4nubg
15. Like the Back of My Hand - Collect every power up on every map - 40G
- Not so simple. Unfourtunatly this is one achievement I do not have an easy way to get. But, just search on EVERY map for a power up (they are: Invisibility, Invinciblilty, Beserk, and UDamage), and collect them all.
16. Spice of Life - Play a match with every mutator, using ONLY 1 PER MATCH - 20G
- To acces mutators, when you are setting up a match, go to the final screen of options and hit "X." There will be a list of mutators. Simple press "Y" to add 1 mutator, and play a match. Just simply do the lowest number of kills/captures/points there is. NOTE: There are mutators for each gametype, and I have them listed here (I only have the gametype-specific one listed):
Big Head
Kills Slow Time (this is ONLY availible in Instant Action)
Low Gravity
No Super Pick Ups
Slow Mo
Speed Freak
Super Beserk
Weapon Replacement
Weapon Respawn
Friendly Fire
No Translocator
No Orbs
17. Brain Surgeon - Get the "Head Hunter" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Head Hunter is achieved when you get 15 headshots w/ the sniper. Do this in 10 different matches. See below for easy way to get this achievement.
18. Don't Taze Me Bro! - Get the "Combo King" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Combo King is achieved when you get 15 Combo Kills w/ the shock rifle. A combo kills is when you Alt fire the shock rifle (the purple orb of energy), and then shoot the energy ball with the main fire of the shock rifle. This creates a large ball on energy that suck in nearby enemies and kills them. Do this in 10 different matches. See below for an easy way to get these achievements.
19. Goo God - Get the "Biohazard" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Biohazard is achieved when you get 15 kills with the Bio Rifle. Do this in 10 different matches. See below for an easy way to get these achievments.
20. Pistolero - Get the "Gunslinger" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Gunslinger is achieved when you kill 15 enemies with the Enforcer. Do this in 10 matches. See below for an easy way to get these achievements.
21. Shard-O-Matic - Get the "Blue Streak" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Blue Streak is achieved when you get 15 kills with the Stinger Minigun. Do this in 10 matches. See below for and easy way to get these achievements.
22. Hammerhead - Get the "Jackhammer" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Jackhammer is achieved when you get 15 kills with the Impact Hammer. Do this in 10 Matches. See below for an easy way to get these achievements.
23. Strongest Link - Get the "Shaft Master" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Shaft Master is achieved when you get 15 kills with the ALT FIRE of the Link Gun. You MUST KILL THEM WITH ONLY THE ALT FIRE, DO NOT EVEN WEAKEN THEM WITH THE PRIMARY. Do this in 10 matches. See below for and easy way to get these achievements.
24. Have A Nice Day! - Get both the "Flak Master" and "Rocket Scientist" awards in 10 matches - 20G
- Flak Master is achieved when you get 15 kills with the Flak Cannon. Rocket Scientist is achieved when you get 15 kills with the Rocket Launcher. You must get BOTH of these awards in 10 matches. See below for an easy way to get these achievements.
25. Big Game Hunter - Get the "Big Game Hunter" award in 10 matches - 10G
- Big Game Hunter is achieved when you get 15 kills with the Longbow AVRiL. Do this in 10 matches. See the NOTES section for an easy way to get this achievements.
EASY WEAPON ACHIEVEMENTS: I found a very easy way to do all the weapon achievements. Host a Deathmatch Private Player Match (this is NOT an option, but make the number of private slots the same as the max number of players, so no one can join, and it is just bots), either on Koos Barge or Morbias Arena, and enable the Weapon Replacement mutator. Then simply change all the weapons to the weapon you are trying to get the achievement with. However, the Bio Rifle is NOT inter-changeable, so simply find a map with it on it, and get your award. Of course put the bots on Novice, and make it 15-20 kill limit. Do this 10 times. You can usually get two weapon achievements in one day (each match takes 5 min. or so). And just to clarify, you must get all 15 kills in ONE match.
26. Armadillo - Get the "Roadkill" award in 10 matches. - 10G
- To get a road kill, simply run over 3-5 (im not sure the exact amount)people in a match, without dieing. You'll get Hit and Run, Road Rage, Vehicular Manslaughter, then Road kill. Do this in 10 matches.
27. Jack of All Trades - Kill an enemy with every vehicle - 10G
- Simple concept, hard achievement. I find that the "Suspense" level and "Suspense Necris" are good levels for this because they have most of the vehicles. Here is a list of all the vehicles, and their faction (it helps to be this faction so you can use their vehicles):
Dark Walker
28. Ace - Get the "Top Gun" award in 20 matches - 10G
- To get the Top Gun award you must shoot down an enemy flying vehicle with the same flying vehicle. I do this on Suspense, seeing as both teams spawn with a Raptor. Do this in 20 matches.
29. Deathwish - Get the "Bullseye" award in 20 matches - 10G
To get a Bullseye, you must self-destruct yourself while in a Viper while near an enemy to take you and him out. To self-destruct, hold the jump button and press the ALT fire button. Do this in 20 matches.
30. Seeing Red - Have over 20 minutes of Beserk time - 10G
- Pretty simple, just takes time. Find this power up and hold it for all 30 seconds. Repeat 40 times

31. Never Saw it Coming - Have over 20 min. of Invisibility time - 10G
- Same as above, just a different power up.
32. Survival of the Fittest - Have over 10 min. of Invulnerable time - 10G
- Simple, takes time. Find and repeat 20 times. Good map is "Fearless."
33. Delivering the Hurt - Have over 20 min. of UDamage time - 10G
- Same as Berserk, just different power up. See the NOTES section for an easy way to get this achievement.
34. Hat Trick - Achieve a "Hat Trick" in 10 CTF or VCTF matches - 20G
- To get a Hat Trick you must capture all the flags BY YOURSELF and the enemy cannot score once. See the NOTES section for an easy way to get this achievement.
35. Being a Hero - Return 100 Orbs in Warfare - 10G
- To return an enemy orb, simply walk up to it and press "X." Repeat 100 times.
36. Flag Waver - Play 100 CTF matches to at least 3 captures - 20G
- Title says all.
37. Thirty Minutes or Less - Play 100 VCTF games to at least 3 captures - 20G
- Title says all. See the NOTES section for an easy way to get this achievement.
38. Paint the Town Red - Play 100 DM or Duel matches to at least 20 kills - 20G
- Title says all. You can work towards this achievement when you are getting your weapon achievements, your Monster kill achievement, and Your Get a life achievement.
39. Connect the Dots - Play 100 Warfare matches to at least 3 points - 20G
- Title says all. This achievement will take AWHILE.
40. Serial Killer - Get the "Killing Spree" award in 20 matches - 20G
- Just get a killing spree in 20 matches. This one should come pretty naturally.
41. Sir Slays Alot - Get the "Monster Kill" award in 20 matches - 20G
- This one is easier then it sounds. Simply host a "Private Player match" with 16 people on Morbias Arena, and put on the Instigab mutator. Do this in 20 matches.
42. Killjoy - End a Killing Spree in 20 matches - 10G
- Real simple. Just end a killing spree in 20 matches. This one should also come naturally.
43. Off to a Good Start - Get the "First Blood" award in 40 matches - 10G
- To get a First Blood award, get the first kill of the match. Do this in 40 matches.
44. Lets Get it On - Complete a multiplayer match in every game type - 20G
- Simply play a PLAYER MATCH!@!!!!!!!! in all 6 gametypes.
45. Around the World - WIN a multiplayer match on every map - 20G
- This is easy sounding, but don't be fooled. There's only 55 (WTF???!!) maps... here's a list of all the maps and their gametype. You must win on ALL of them:
Carbon Fire
Heat Ray
Koos Barge
Morbias Arena
Rising Sun
Shangri La
Facing Worlds
Omicron Dawn
Suspense Necris
Avalanche Two Fronts
Cold Harbor
Downtown Necris
Downtown Two Fronts
Dusk Free Mine
Islander Necris
Market District
Onyx Coast
Power Surge
Serenity Necris
Tank Crossing
Torlan Classic
Torlan Double Prime
Torlan Necris
Torlan Short
46. Get a Life... - Get 200 kills on 50 different days - 50G
- Just 200 kills a day, then repeat 50 times. I no it sounds hard, but I'll tell you what I do. I host a "Private Player Match" on Morbias Arena with the bots on novice and the Instigab mutator on. I then set the kill limit to 50. I win, then repeat 3 more times. 50 * 4 = 200. I make sure I do this at least once a day.
47. Just Warming Up - Play a ranked match - 10G
- Doesn't get much simpler than this...
48. Winning is the Only Thing - Get the highest points in a ranked match - 10G
- Just be #1 on a ranked match. Probably easiest to do on deathmatch, because if you win you get it.
49. Equal Opportunity Destroyer - Win a ranked match in every gametype - 20G
- Just WIN a ranked match on all 6 gametypes.
50. Ranked Champion - WIN 500(WTF?!) ranked matches - 50G
- Title says all. This will take a LONG LONG time...
1. ALL achievements (except the 4 ranked achievements) are boostable with bots. I refer to this as a "Private Player Match" in the guide. Of course this is not an option, but just make the # of private slots the same # as the max players (this makes it so no public players can join).
2.I found a great run for the "Big Game Hunter," "Hat Trick," "30 Min or Less," "Delivering the Hurt," and "Seeing Red" achievements. On the VCTF map, Corruption, make sure you are on red. Then pick up the Avril before going across the first bridge near your base. Go to the enemy base and kill as many as you can with the avril (5). Then die, and respawn. This time grab the avril and enter the house with the wheel in it. There will be the UDamage and the Bersek power-ups in the two windows. Grab them. Then proceed to the enemy base and kill until you recieve the big game hunter award (when you pick up the Berserk power up you get 10 extra shots). Then grab the flag and score. Head back to the house, and if you took the right amount of time, the two power-ups should be back. Grab them again and score again. Then do this a 3rd time, remembering to grab the power-ups. If you score all three times, you'll recieve a Hat Trick. and because it is to 3 captures, you are also working at the 30 Min. or less achievement.
3. I will make a video of the above stradegy and post it here:
4. Thanks to my dad, achieve360points.com, and Mike Double U of xbox.com for help with this guide.
5. Enjoy!