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Archived: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
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Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:13 am | #1
Hey everyone,
With the realease of Two Worlds a few days away anyone planning on getting it? I think it looks sweet with the option to go offline or online, thats gonna make it stand out more. It'll be like Oblivion with online mode most likely. But overall the game looks tight and if anyone gets it before me I would to have an interview up
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:18 am | #2
I'll probably just rent it unless it really gives oblivion a run for its money. Then that will catch my eye enough to consider buying. There are just too many other great future releases I guess.
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:19 am | #3
Quote by syztem x:
I'll probably just rent it unless it really gives oblivion a run for its money. Then that will catch my eye enough to consider buying. There are just too many other great future releases I guess.
Thats true i have gamefly but right now there shipping BioShock
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:20 am | #4
So are you going to pull a 14-hour'er like yours truly?
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:22 am | #5
Quote by syztem x:
So are you going to pull a 14-hour'er like yours truly?
hahah there may be with enough game fuel
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:22 am | #6
Yes, within 30 days of release most likely. RPGs ftw
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:23 am | #7
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Yes, within 30 days of release most likely. RPGs ftw
ya same here i need to scrape up some cash
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:24 am | #8
See, I have eternal sonata paid in full on pre-order, thats the one I'm waiting for.
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:37 am | #9
I'll probably play it at my neighbors and if I like it enough I'll buy it.
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:40 am | #10
I have the money, but there might be a special that is going on when I decide to drag my butt in to get it.
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:41 am | #11
Quote by HouseMDfan:
I have the money, but there might be a special that is going on when I decide to drag my butt in to get it.
the thing thats calling my name is the online RPG hopefully it will be like a MMO type thing online (MMO's ftw!)
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:42 am | #12
Is it a monthly charge to play online?
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:43 am | #13
No. If it was, they would have threw out the single player and focused solely on the online as if it were WoW.
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 12:44 am | #14
Quote by syztem x:
No. If it was, they would have threw out the single player and focused solely on the online as if it were WoW.
Well maybe somethin i mean kinda like PSU were u get a party and play mission together maybe
Re: Two Worlds Anyone Getting It?
08/22/07 1:19 am | #15
Thank God. If it was monthly there would be no way I would ever buy it.
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