Now someone needs to get One...
Archived: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
Posted Under: Gaming
Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 8:17 am | #1 This guy is insane and 100% FC'd ( Full comboed) Through the fire and flames by Dragonforce
Now someone needs to get One...
Now someone needs to get One...
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 12:39 pm | #4
that's i said, I can't even get passed Lou on Medium, LOL.
Guitar isn't my thing.
Guitar isn't my thing.
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 1:10 pm | #5
Cool. People are getting so good at that game.
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 1:43 pm | #6
Yea, hes god, and it was bound to happen eventually
I still think DWDTG is harder, but meh, this will do for now
I still think DWDTG is harder, but meh, this will do for now

Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 2:01 pm | #7
Quote by Tehmuffinator:
Yea, hes god, and it was bound to happen eventually
I still think DWDTG is harder, but meh, this will do for now
I still think DWDTG is harder, but meh, this will do for now

DWDTG is harder and Hellashes is working on that song his score is just about 800k
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 2:11 pm | #8
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 4:29 pm | #9
LoL...I think people that get THAT good on guitar hero should just go ahead and learn how to play a REAL
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 4:30 pm | #10
Quote by kiddcartel:
LoL...I think people that get THAT good on guitar hero should just go ahead and learn how to play a REAL
A lot of them actually do play real guitar
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 4:33 pm | #11
oh....alright than....LoL
well if they didnt play guitar before...than they should start, lol
I guess playing a real guitar would kind of give you an edge on it
well if they didnt play guitar before...than they should start, lol
I guess playing a real guitar would kind of give you an edge on it
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 5:12 pm | #12
that is forking incredible
the song isn't actually all that hard, the way the note chart moves has a definite pattern to it and you can get in to the flow (yes it is difficult; I just mean it isn't as random and out-there as other stuff like Jordan etc)
it's just so fast, half the time you have to work really hard just to get your fingers off the buttons fast enough
the song isn't actually all that hard, the way the note chart moves has a definite pattern to it and you can get in to the flow (yes it is difficult; I just mean it isn't as random and out-there as other stuff like Jordan etc)
it's just so fast, half the time you have to work really hard just to get your fingers off the buttons fast enough
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 6:27 pm | #13
i have only 4 words for him......too much free time
Re: Through the Fire and Flames 100%!!!! (not me)
06/04/08 10:18 pm | #15
Quote by NON GOTHIC:
A lot of them actually do play real guitar
Not Chris. He practices 5 hours a day on GH3 and has no girlfriend and hasn't started college yet. I think he's amazing, but he has WAY TO MUCH FREE TIME!
And my opinion, I think DWDTG is harder to pass, but easier to FC, due to the fact that:
1: it's shorter
2: it's mostly hammer-ons(cept for insane strum in beggining and pre-solo)
3: it has no red snake

Well it'll all be FC'd someday. Just DWDTG, Slash guitar battle, and One (now that Ballroom Blitz got FC'd), until World Tour and GH: Metallica (insane solos here we come

^^^Wow, long post