The economic status in Cuba or Ice Cream with sprinkles?
Archived: This or That?
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Re: This or That?
10/22/08 6:42 pm | #46
um who wouldn't choose fly??
The economic status in Cuba or Ice Cream with sprinkles?
The economic status in Cuba or Ice Cream with sprinkles?
Re: This or That?
10/22/08 6:55 pm | #48
Quote by PSORaine:
3) It's a proven fact only losers would chose flying.
Oooooo no she didn't.
For some reason though I think I would get more chicks by flying rather then taking them on an underwater journey in which they would die from drowning... but thats just me.
Money or Power
Re: This or That?
10/22/08 7:18 pm | #49
money, with enough i can buy power
shaken or stirred
shaken or stirred
Re: This or That?
10/22/08 9:17 pm | #51
a bag of mini muffins
red bull or monster energy
red bull or monster energy
Re: This or That?
10/22/08 11:54 pm | #52
bah energy drinks blow...but
unreal tournament 3 or halo 2
unreal tournament 3 or halo 2
Re: This or That?
10/23/08 1:05 am | #54
Family Guy or American Dad
Family Guy or American Dad
Re: This or That?
10/23/08 11:11 am | #57
(mainly for guys to answer, unless raine/meg just chooses to)
kicked in the nuts or jaw brutally beat and broken
id say kick in the nuts, because that pain doesnt stay for longer then like, 5-10 minutes if its REALLY painful...the jaw, thats going to screw you over for like, months lol...
(mainly for guys to answer, unless raine/meg just chooses to)
kicked in the nuts or jaw brutally beat and broken
id say kick in the nuts, because that pain doesnt stay for longer then like, 5-10 minutes if its REALLY painful...the jaw, thats going to screw you over for like, months lol...
Re: This or That?
10/23/08 1:08 pm | #59
And to answer the previous one by former Taco - I'd take the kick - I've endured those before.
Hot or Cold?
And to answer the previous one by former Taco - I'd take the kick - I've endured those before.
Hot or Cold?