Head over and give them a read if you are interested in the game...
Archived: Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
Posted Under: Xbox News
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Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
10/14/08 6:24 am | #1
The staff over at GamingNexus have not one, not two but THREE reviews of the game up. Two for the 360 and one for the PS3. It is a good cross section of what different people think of the game (which is available today). They came pretty close to a consensus as well.
Head over and give them a read if you are interested in the game...
Head over and give them a read if you are interested in the game...
Re: Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
10/14/08 4:09 pm | #3
I already picked up my copy at 12 noon here at GameStop,real stoked to play it,lol
Re: Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
10/14/08 4:17 pm | #4
Interesting read, I wanted to pick it up, but I'm pretty strapped for cash, and the achievements and such really do seem a lot like SA1, which weren't too fun
I'll probably hold off until it drops in price; the next full priced game I'm buying before Christmas is Gears 2.

Re: Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
10/14/08 4:35 pm | #5
I think the biggest issues with the game is that it still has a lot of technical problems and the graphics aren't quite up to snuff. When I was analyzing the game play last week, the physics had quite a few "Shadowrun" style gaffs which is kind of a downer.
Having said that, I think it will be a really fun play, especially in co-op and multiplayer. Unfortunately when reviewing a game, you can't overlook it when a game has technical flaws...
Having said that, I think it will be a really fun play, especially in co-op and multiplayer. Unfortunately when reviewing a game, you can't overlook it when a game has technical flaws...
Re: Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
10/16/08 2:15 am | #6
I just picked it up today {LE of course) and i'm hoping that some XbA members will show me the ropes and maybe let me join there crew.
Re: Thinking of getting Saint's Row 2?
10/16/08 3:46 am | #7
I'm picking up soon as early as this weekend maybe
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