I sent my package out 3 weeks ago which included Blu-Rays and old DVD's and about a week later I call them to get the status of my order only to find out my entire order was rejected for no reason....All 77 items were rejected...
To top it all off they give me no explanation at all and refuses to give me any contact information to there third party which does the trades.
I do some research on the internet and find out who the trade in partner is but can never get a phone number so I settle for the email of the president of the company....I send her a email explaining my situation and get no response until a week later which is now.
I get a note in the mail from the president saying that my items somehow came in damaged and missing.
Very odd since I notice on the shipping lable they mailed back to me they wrote down that all 77 items arrived.
So now im waiting for my items to get back to me...I cant wait to see the end of this situation.
Now I know some people have had fine expeariences with it but I for one have not and this is just plain retarded.