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Archived: The last poster wins
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Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 8:44 pm | #151
hey! you win! or did the OP?
who was the OP?
Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 8:48 pm | #153
Just re reading the rules, Unless there's a certain time that it ends, you can basically choose the winner just by ending it whenever you want
Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 8:52 pm | #155
LMAO that was great. hahahaha.
Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 9:41 pm | #156
Speaking of off google results, has anyone tried Bing yet?any positive difference?
Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 10:07 pm | #157
I win........
no one else post, ok?
Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 10:14 pm | #159
I guess I should have read the rules, huh?
SO do any of you play Paintball?
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 10:15 pm | #160
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I win........
no one else post, ok?
Ok.... no other posts after this so he can win
Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/30/09 10:29 pm | #162
Quote by Golden138:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
Ok.... no other posts after this so he can win
Oh and i was just playing this game and its been hilarious so far
Oh and if you decide to sign up for kongregate my name on it is BlackMagic16 (that whole referrer box ). Its an interesting site, I mean theres badges and points....achievement mentality.
EDIT: yeah, this game is funny even when you fail missions.
one mission in the briefing shows the little paper clip Microsoft buddy thing
"Looks like your trying to assassinate someone! Would you like me to bother you"
Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
07/01/09 12:46 am | #163
Quote by Golden138:
Quote by orange20:
i agree 100% mike. im watchin now while i eat and its just not the same nemore. i order all the ppvs and last night it was just so boring that most of my buddies stopped watchin it
Ya know, you could always try to watch TNA. We have been watching them lately over WWE, unless we are extremely bored!!
I personally quit watching it a few years ago, but then my son got into it and we started watching again. He still watches at his cousin's house, but I stopped when it started getting really corny in the story lines. Like when Vince faked his own death.
MMA is where it's at.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
07/01/09 12:55 am | #164
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Golden138:
Ya know, you could always try to watch TNA. We have been watching them lately over WWE, unless we are extremely bored!!
I personally quit watching it a few years ago, but then my son got into it and we started watching again. He still watches at his cousin's house, but I stopped when it started getting really corny in the story lines. Like when Vince faked his own death.
MMA is where it's at.
I liked it when it was the WWF back in the day when I was little with the Hulkster, Junkyard Dog, Rowdy Roddy Piper etc... Then I didn't like it for a while until around the time that Mick Foley became the commish and was a fan for a short span there durring Stone Cold and The Rock's heyday.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
07/01/09 12:59 am | #165
Quote by IRiSH OH:
I liked it when it was the WWF back in the day when I was little with the Hulkster, Junkyard Dog, Rowdy Roddy Piper etc... Then I didn't like it for a while until around the time that Mick Foley became the commish and was a fan for a short span there durring Stone Cold and The Rock's heyday.
Agreed. I really liked it as a kid with Jake the Snake, Macho Man, and Brutus the Barber Beefcake. I remember when Virgil took it to Ted Debiasi. Then I found out it was fake years later and was disappointed and stopped watching.
I returned to it when Ken Shamrock, The Rock, Mick Foley, and Stone Cold were all huge. It started getting dumb again when the Raw is War era ended. But I stayed with it, until the stupid drama started.
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