Closed: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
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Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/06/08 6:31 pm | #61
kidd..since when did you become like mlg or something
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/06/08 6:51 pm | #62
The Kidd has a 2K lead in the race. The first one to ask gets fusion frenzy help from me.

Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/06/08 10:29 pm | #63
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
kidd..since when did you become like mlg or something
what are you talking about meg? because of my gamerpic?'s just a picture, lol
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/06/08 11:04 pm | #64
Go go coldhearted!
Go go coldhearted!
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/06/08 11:27 pm | #65
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/06/08 11:42 pm | #66
i think kidlin is going down
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 9:04 am | #68
Quote by Repo Man 360:
The Kidd has a 2K lead in the race. The first one to ask gets fusion frenzy help from me. 

The offer has been accepted by one of the challengers so no more pm's about this

Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 12:33 pm | #69
Quote by PSORaine:
Reeeeally? What game is THAT?
Well I have a bunch actually, but MLB 2K6 is an easy 1000 pts. and I'll finish FN3! It's done now!
30k!! where you at chillin? We shoulda bet $$! lol
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 12:35 pm | #70
I have like this phantom GS right now, lol...Since I can't log onto live just yet.
C0LD thinks he is catching up to my 13k score, he is, and a good job to him, but im way beyond that now....
If he wins it would be cool, I dont care, all fun and games...but I am going to give him a run for his money, LoL (so to speak)
C0LD thinks he is catching up to my 13k score, he is, and a good job to him, but im way beyond that now....

If he wins it would be cool, I dont care, all fun and games...but I am going to give him a run for his money, LoL (so to speak)
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 12:55 pm | #71
gonna' have to go with the kidd on this one. seems like cold's getting left in the dust, lol. either way, good luck to the both of you.
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 1:23 pm | #73
Quote by PSORaine:
OMG I tried to send you a message in live but my internet kicked me- you're such a pussy to use a 2k6 sports game to push you over. Hahahahahaha.
I bought it from ebay weeks ago and was hoping to have it done before I was above 29k so it wouln't put me over, but all of this vacation plus a slow shipper forced my hand! lol
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 1:24 pm | #74
Quote by PSORaine:
OMG I tried to send you a message in live but my internet kicked me- you're such a pussy to use a 2k6 sports game to push you over. Hahahahahaha.
Better then avatar, dont ya think?
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/07/08 1:28 pm | #75
Quote by Tehmuffinator:
Better then avatar, dont ya think?
I wish I didn't have avatard so I could waffle it out again!! lol