LOLZ!! You guys fight over the dumbest shit!!
Anyway... I am a score whore. I wasted a lot of money and played some terrible games to get my score to where it is. My gamerscore is a testament to patience. Yes I DO have games that are truly difficult. I have 3 10/10 difficulty games, (according to completed. Look at my gamercard in my sig. I will display my completed games loudly and proudly, from Avatard to Hexic 1 and 2.
The problem that I have with the original post here, is that you classify games as good or bad, easy or difficult. What achievements have done for me is blurred the lines and made things NOT black or white. If I hadn't gotten a few games for the points, I would've missed out on some fun titles. Yes, some of them got bad reviews, but are we sheep or men? (no offense ladies! lol)
I feel that there is a ratio that is present. I will not play a game for points that is so bad that I cannot take it. I have done it in the past, but if the points-to-suckage ratio is too low, I don't want to waste my time. Bionicle Heroes was not worth the time I put in to get 1000. Cars still sits at 75 points, because it sucked THAT bad.
One more thing that I would like to add, is that Avatar is a gamerscore anomoly. You can't compare that to anything else. Even the 2k6 games took some preparation and execution. So saying Avatar and "other whore games" is simply not fair. I think that game should be left out of the "easy game" category and be in one of it's own.